Gravity wonderings

Theory of Gravity


sort of a Theory of Everything

~ Searching for the 5th element ~

The historical gravity wonderings.

Humankind has always noted gravity related issues as long as we have had a fairly developed written language. Even the Stonehenge monument about 3000 years BC is sort of a witness of contemplation efforts about the sun, moon and our own earth. Early writings from the Egyptian, Mayan and the Ancient Greece cultures, for example, did make elementary calendars over planetary and stellar constellations.

When Galileo made studies of falling objects at about 1590 human civilization began in a more scientific manner to study gravity. Newton did during the 1680’s evolve the epoch’s ideas of gravity and accumulated knowledge together with mathematical skill to the first scientific relevant aspects of gravity. With his, still today used, elementary planetary gravitational and force related formulas.

It wasn’t until Albert Einstein in early 1900 did formulate his GR, General Relativity, papers that Newtonian gravitational science could take a step forward in the history of human physics and science concerning gravity. With the studying of such collected writings in combination with the discovery of the light quanta in about 1920 the modern, QM, Quantum Mechanics was introduced. And still today is the manner in which gravity, among other physics aspects, is studied and tried to be mathematically and physically defined.