Quotes page 2 – Big Bang

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Excerpt from former www.toequest.com by admin:

For, to return to the initial reasoning concerning certain aspects of ToE – and my favourite subject – BB, the Big Bang.

The BB is a part of the standard model in physics.

One main issue I’m focusing on is the observation of a flat Universe, which seems to be the situation. All galaxies, which we have noticed, are all “placed” into a very thin disk. That the stars in any single galaxy are so, we know since about the 1930’s. Why are all galaxies that we have observed not spread randomly in a sphere volume? – But in a thin disk volume or plane.

That the temperature are all the same, 2.725 degrees over zero Kelvin, in every direction we measure, also is a bit strange. When the temperature should vary due to the BB energy spreading from start in a more and more vast space. That the temperature is all the same is explained with the inflation add or just the inflation theory concerning BB. The inflation add is a most strange mathematic add – but it theoretically says why the temperature is even in all directions of space. For me, this add, very much resembles of pushing a square block into a round hole, or vice versa.

So, does also the inflation theory say why all the known, or seen, galaxies are assembled in a thin plane or disk? Anyone, having any opinion?

The BB should spread energy (and temperature) randomly. And many different processes might produce the general form of this black body spectrum at 2.725 K.

BB is one candidate – but it needs the inflation add that is complex math – which is hard to review for most people – even by fairly good mathematicians. This really makes me suspicious and uncertain of the accuracy of the add. To my humble opinion one does build BB, with this add, upon mysticism and extreme manoeuvres.

So, can anyone reason why the galaxies are oriented in such a mysterious way? Does the inflation theory also incorporate this geometrical galaxy enigma?

Because, with standard reasoning, all the galaxies oriented as they obviously are, should in the long term physics make the 2.725 K black body measurement impossible. But it is there, as the disk of galaxies. Or, the temperature should at least be more diverged, when we are living in a flat Universe. Measuring both in the plane directions, as in the other non-plane axis. The black body we obviously experience is, with the view of the flat galaxies orientation, possibly explained by some spatial phenomenon. The BB inflation temperature maybe can be described with another physical event – the flat Universe does hint so to my common understanding.


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