ToG page 2 – Theory of Gravity

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Theory of gravity

The hiding graviton does it exist? The search is in progress now in year 2003. And have been so for several years. Personally, I have little hope for finding it. They should have been so, if existing…

Another approach is current. Hmm… You have to work on several threads for finding a comprehensive way to a stable theory. And I have to admit; yes, I’m an Aether fan. The concept of an Aether solves many of the unanswered questions raised in recent years. The big question is also why it’s so impossible for a lot of scientists with an Aether?

First, an Aether theory would explain why not finding the graviton in spite of billions of dollars invested in searching projects. You can almost say the investments here indicate an Aether. Aha… I see… The scientists are also making the same evaluation, but the indication is based on a negative result. A so-called exclude or discard result. But as I see it the enormous amount of dollars is a rather good indication of this state in this matter an Aether is, or once was, present.

AI view of the graviton

Yes, I see more… If an Aether once was present you can spend billions and billions of dollars on finding the discard result, and this is the situation. You can invest the global total amount fund of the total scientific research year after year and yet only get this discard result. An elusive situation is at the agenda of quantum mechanics research.

In the following theorizing I’m going to try to show why the graviton hides and why it’s impossible to measure it with time and position. And how the Theory of Gravity, ToG, is linked with the Aether in a more theoretical and comprehensive modeling. The graviton does in spite of these models still tease the mind, maybe because of its non-existing nature and therefore not measurable quality.

Subsection 1
Theory of time

Recent reasoning in a newsgroup gave two objectives for time:
Cause and effect.

What causes time? And. The effect of time? Or effect on what?

Time postulate 1. The cause of time is created by all forms of energy.
Time postulate 2. The effect, duration, of time is only applied on matter.

These 2 postulates give some interesting early universal scenarios:
When a photon derivative is emitting “quanta” this massive photon is no longer in “space-time” (*1). And when such a photon is collecting “quanta” it appears in the “space-time”. This early universal cycle of the photon derivative is fundamental.

This is mentioned to show, if we are using Time postulate 2, that the massive photon has matter. And this some will disagree. But time can only have effect on matter, according to this postulate. The problem of such photon variants, the question of being of energy/wave/mass is also hinted here. With some further explanations for the photon variants not in “space-time” or on its border.

Subsection 2
Theory of space

Space, yes how to count it?

We give time 1 second as a dimension. (Duration changes in matter.)
We give length 1 meter as a dimension. (Distance.)
We give space 3 axis x, y, z as dimensions. (Directions.)

See, space doesn’t have any specific numbers of dimensions (x, y, z = 3 dimensions). We give space three legs x, y, z because it’s simplest and most logical in a mathematical sense to give space three dimensions! In a pure physical sense the number of dimensions space has is irrelevant. It’s just most easy to calculate and visualize with 3 space directions for intellects.

So string theorists, for example, just give space the amount of dimensions that is good for their exclusive theory in mind. One theory is good with 10 space dimensions. And the other theory is best with 5 space dimensions.

Space doesn’t have a specific three dimensional structure, it’s just a scaffold construction of the human mind. Space is physically all between non-dimensional and infinite-dimensional.

Space does not have any specific amount of dimensions or directions.

Subsection 3
Special theory of gravity

To be more precise, in this page I am going to define my Theory of Gravity, ToG, in a more comprehensive and described theory, the Special Theory of Gravity – STOG.

The Aether is the explanation. The first Aether is partly gravity. This is the basic view of ToG. Further, the Aether has gathered for eons of time in Universe. The age of the oldest known universal object is a fraction of a nanosecond in comparison with the time for the Aether to gather in Universe. Time does not exist in the Aether itself and time does absolutely not exist in the gathering of the Aether in a so-called phase 1 Aether, A1. The A1 has no phase before it, a phase 0 Aether does not exist in a theoretical sense. -At least it’s empty of any “matter”.

A1 [pronounced Aether 1] is the stage where no kind of matter is present in the Aether. And A1 is having a size greater than the size of the known borders of our Universe. A1 is as mentioned gravity, partly gravity, in the meaning of absolutely no existing matter in the Aether.

When the Aether is gathering more and more it reaches to the size of the known Universe and now something happens. The first “matter” is created. Do you understand which “matter” I’m hinting at? We have a rather good indication of this in our knowledge of our elementary particles.

There is something in the elementary particle chart or categorizing method indicating a specific particle in mind? Which particle is a contradiction in the total family of elementary particles?

Which particle does not have any given antiparticle?
Only one. -The photon. Why so one can ask? The STOG gives the answer:

The first photon derivatives, γ, are created when the Aether shrinks and gathers the size of our known Universe. The phase 1 Aether is going into phase 2 Aether. One can schematically give this point or phase a formula:

γ = ª qG´t [A1 ↔ A2]
(*See special note)

This indicates that in the shift from A1 to A2 we suddenly have matter in this changing Aether. Small q stands for the known “quanta” and its effect on the massive photon. G´ stands for the total gravity power of the Aether at the specific moment, t, when we shift from phase 1 Aether to phase 2 Aether. This is STOG. And more, we are having a point of self regulation or a point of stability in this phase 2 Aether, A2, because of “quanta” regulation. -The “quanta” collect to, and “quanta” emit from the photon derivatives.

A Universe is born.

Subsection 4
The creation of matter

According to the Aether theory no matter is present in phase A1, but there exists gravity, which is gathering or is rising in amount. At a certain point, A2, the total gravity power is creating the first massive photon. This is the basis of the creation of matter.

The concept of matter, according to Einstein, is that matter equals energy, not gravity, which STOG is predicting. But if assuming that gravity is or behaves like energy.

The innovation here is that we may have an acceptable link between energy and gravity. Mainly these formulas:

And if we also simplifies the formula for the photon derivative, γ:
γ = ª qG´t [A1 ↔ A2]
γ = QG´ [A2]
Meaning the massive photon, γ, is the sum of “quanta”, Q, of the gravity power, G´, in phase A2.

The point here to mention is that such a photon according to STOG is created and manifested as a photon derivative without any reference to its energy or mass. But existing from the power of the gravity phase, at the changing Aether, called A2. STOG is only a reference for the massive photon as being created by gravity. But we are having some help here to come further. The breaking point or question is:

What creates matter? What creates for example a photon derivative? And the answer is STOG. Gravity and the Aether shifting from A1 to A2 creates the massive photon. This indicates that the energy of the photon derivatives of the first phases of the Aether, A1 and A2, hold both energy and gravity.

And if you ask, for example, what matter this coin in my hand is created of? The answer will be: The massive photon is a – link – to the matter in your coin in your hand.

Meaning gravity does not only make your coin have a mass and a weight but also is the basis of the matter itself in the coin as a creator of the mass and the weight of the coin.

To give the link between energy and gravity we take the particle of the photon derivative. We know that h, Planck’s constant, is the energy given with the modern, massless, photon. Also, the reference model of the creation of the photon derivative, the formula; γ = QG´ [A2].

Gives ; E – h – G´ ; Planck’s constant, h, is the link between energy, E, and gravity, G´, as being “some” energy bound in the massive photon which is created of the gravity in Aether phase A2.

Subsection 5
Black holes

Black holes are still a mystery in physics, but not a mystery in the Aether theory thus being rather easily explained. In Aether phase A2 we have the first massive photon created in the Universe. Phase A2 is explained as a stable phase with the “quanta”- photon derivative regulation as a basic regulator for the gravity power G´ in the simplified formula; γ = QG´ [A2].

“Shortly” after the first massive photons are created in a Universe about the size of our present Universe the whole phase A2 Universe is filled with “newborn” photon derivatives. One can schematically say that 100% of the matter in this new Universe is occupied of only of such photons. -This “development” of the “newborn” Universe and Aether being in a new “photon derivative“- A2 phase, shifting from A1, is a fair explanation of the massless photon not having any specific antiparticle.

These photon derivatives are not having any velocity compared to the Aether but are in a lower energy stage than modern massless photons with velocity. These low energy low speed photon derivatives are probably a link to the question of dark matter and dark energy in our present Universe.

Of course, these low energy photon derivatives with no or low velocity are also gathering together because of their bond of gravity and energy. When the whole Universe is filled up with massive photons the total gravity power in the Aether no longer is in Aether phase A2. -Locally the total gravity power in the Aether arises from phase A2 to phase A3. We are having an Aether with both phases A2 and A3 and also volumes with the shifts between A2 and A3. Photon derivatives gathered together represent Aether phase A3 and an A3 is a Black hole.

Cyg X-1 Black hole dragging matter from a supergiant according to NASA

The number of A3: s or Black holes is rising to the amount of more than all galaxies in our Universe up to present time. The number of A3: s is based on the size of our Universe and the total amount of gravity and energy in the Universe. With this model you probably notice and hint my conviction about a Black hole in the center of every, or almost every, galaxy in the Universe.

To give the premises between the Aether phases A1, A2 and A3 we must understand that photon derivatives do not exist in phase A1. If phase A1 occurs the massive photons are disintegrated to “quanta”. But the gravity itself is rebuilding the phase of A2 and therefore such photons are recreated. The photon derivatives do also gather together and give A3: s locally in the Aether. These A3: s do consume much energy locally and therefore the surrounding phase A2 is having very strong tendencies to shift back to phase A1 and is also doing so locally.

These three phases, A1, A2 and A3, are now when A3: s exists as self-sustaining local gravity-energy deposits interacting in a highly complex manner. This is also hinting why Black holes are so hard to detect by modern techniques. A3: s are nowadays locally surrounded by real photon “disintegrating” phase A1 volumes. And this makes it so hard to “see” any A3: s – Black holes. -Observe that the initial and in this manner altered form of Aether is drained from both gravity and energy and becomes to a contributing reason for the nowadays physics non-detection of any Aether at all. This stage of Universe also lacks most elementary particles known today. -Probably the Universe at this stage only holds massive photons and also some variants of photon derivatives, such as X-ray and gamma-ray photons, inclusive WIMPs, weakly interacting massive particles. I.e. a more possible situation are the existences of derivatives of these first particles. Where eluding clouds of WIMPs from this early epoch may be preserved and practically unchanged into our novel Universe. -A fascinating idea. And observe that we still are in the universal dark ages, no stars are yet formed.

When proposing the A3: s responsible for the disintegration of photon derivatives, their variants and the WIMPs near the locality of any major Black hole. -One can suggest that this physical disintegration is a fair reason for the gravitational constant, G, also known as “big G“, to be established as a constant. -Maybe this being the only primary reason. This is explained with, in the early forming of our universe, a vast amount of major Black holes; acts in an – universal regulating manner – for the massive photons’ cycle described in the updated formula of:

γ = ª qG´t [A1 ↔ A2] = ƒ {A3}

Maybe the G´ in the formula can be disclosed for “big G“, the gravitational constant, used in Newton’s classical physics and in the GR equations, for instance. Further reviewing in this page can better indicate why and in what manner the once existing Aether has been established in this proposed function. Observe that the A2 is the photon derivatives existing phase where the A1 phase represents the massive photons’ disintegrated condition. And the A3: s are the theorized regulators which in novel Universe have all massless photons being produced in all existing stars as a “medium” for the regulating mechanism establishing the universal gravitational constant, G. Even if the Black holes are the primary reason for this regulation there may be other universal activities which contribute. Though, generally at this site we focus on the Black holes responsible for this universal basic regulation. Alternatively, G became to a constant already when the early universe was drained from almost all of the photon derivatives through all the accumulated A3: s. -Leaving only some type of “invisible” universal permeating energy frame. Probably a more likely outcome since modern, novel, photons are regarded being massless, without any means to be assembled or attracted at distance from the Black holes.

If given some references for novel universal possible regulation one can mention that it takes about 9 days for a gravitational wave from the Black hole in our own galaxy to reach earth. And the time frame for a similar gravitational wave at the speed of light, from our nearest galaxy, the Andromeda, takes about 2.5 million years to reach earth. And Andromeda is in universal stances a most near lying galaxy. These vast distances do indicate an extreme slow achieving of equilibrium of the quantum vacuum state and that only a fraction of the produced energy and photons from all stars in Universe directly reaches the Black holes, the A3: s. Although such idea maybe can explain some of the physics linked to the present interstellar gravitational composition. Though the gravitational constant, or strengths in its nearness, should already be present before or in junction when the first galaxies were established, due to its most essential function in the further build of Universe.

Subsection 6
Special theory of quantum mechanics

We can mention that with the formula of E=mc^2, knowing the speed of light c and Planck’s constant h, being able to calculate the mass of the novel photon. With further analysis we find some problem here because the mass is at quantum level for the real photon. It’s hard to think Einstein meant the formula E=mc^2 applied to quantum objects. But more to Newton objects. -Though this famous formula is related to Einstein’s SR equations which examines light in general, its energy, propagation, and time dilation, for example. How this formula can both be used in the Newton and the QM scales is really astonishing.

And the real photon is not in the Newton scale. We really are having a problem here fitting the E=mc^2 to the massless photon scale. This problem is perhaps solved with some further formulas dividing the real photon in a mass aspect, m. -And an energy aspect of eV, electron-volt, sign of latency at the novel photon. With these divergences we can postulate the mass aspect of the real photon, the qraviton:

q = u/g < 1

Meaning the tension, u, of the qraviton, q, divided with the gravity, g, of the qraviton is smaller than 1. This is the Special theory of Quantum Mechanics – SQM.

Planck’s constant, h, shows the visibility, the latency-sign or energy, x eV, of the photon. Not showing the weight or mass, m, of the photon. This is the problem of the m in the formula E=mc^2 applied to such quanta particles.

When we are splitting the photon it manifests as tension, u, not as gravity, g, or mass, m, because of the function of tension versus gravity. The tension decreases less than the gravity from a point of equilibrium (the intact photon), when the distance is increasing. And vice versa occurs when the distance is decreasing. We also have to understand that the equilibrium function of the photon always adjusts till its surrounding, and therefore always is hiding its mass. Effectively the mass of the photon obviously always is zero, 0.

But the question of the mass, m, of the photon still has to be derived from the formula or postulate q = u/g < 1. Which are the nearest we come to the question of the existing or not existing graviton asked at the beginning of this page.

Subsection 7
Special electromagnetic field

With the formula of SQM, the Special theory of Quantum Mechanics, there naturally forms a concept of the Special Electromagnetic Field – semf:

semf = u/g > 1

Meaning the tension, u, of the special electromagnetic field, semf, divided with the gravity, g, of the special electromagnetic field is greater than 1. This is the special theory of the electromagnetic field – semf.

This formula rules the basics of the electromagnetic field – EMF. Forming all other functions concerning the electromagnetic environments of the Universe.

Subsection 8
The quantum energy balance

With the formulas of the qraviton and the semf ruling our Universe we naturally can postulate the balance of energies:

ª u/g < 1 = ª u/g > 1 = ª E = 0

Meaning the sum of gravity equals the sum of tension equals the total sum of energy equals zero. This is the Quantum Energy Balance, the – QEB formula. -Expressed in a philosophical manner.

The same formula written in a more physically complying way:

ª [ ª u/g < 1 <ª u/g > 1 ] = ª E = ƒ {T}

These two balance formulas hint at the correlation of symmetrical energies and the probable existence of energy both in an acceptable philosophical and physical form.

Here following are versions of a profound main principle which in a QM physics manner considerably “govern” the energy variants presented. Notice, the in all the formulas attached energy, u/g, is theorized and may not be for real. The continuing review or arguing from this page is, for the moment, the only way in which the accuracy and relevance for such a postulate, like the QEB, may be secured. -Using the Uncertainty Principle and its energy version for to call upon these criteria:

ΔP*Δx ≥ ℏ/2
ΔE*Δt ≥ ℏ/2

What one can conclude from both postulated u/g energy entities is that they are much far weaker than the reduced Planck’s constant, , and therefore inhibiting the possibility to measure them, and hence cannot be part of any present physics’ stances whatsoever. This reveals these energy entities to be, maybe not fiction but, far ahead future physics science.

Subsection 9
Attempt of unifying GR and QM

So, Albert Einstein may be right, again. Where the GUTs, the Grand Unification Theories, have another approach. At least if one considers the formulas here recently given. Especially if the qraviton formula or postulate is right indicates that our Universe is not governed from the spin-2 particle, the graviton, which is the main gravity view at the GUTs. Einstein postulated that gravity was not a force, F. -However, did come from the bent space curvature in the vast Universe holding massive objects that formed the bent space representing gravity. Observe that the hypothetical spin-2 particle, the graviton, is believed to mediate the force of gravity.

The qraviton postulate, q = u/g < 1, here presented indicates that in A1, Aether 1, where no matter exists, yet. -There exists some type of a huge “fat” “soup” of both qravitons and special electromagnetic field, semf. -This manifests that gravity not being a force, no vector or tensor, thus being a pre- “matter” “condition”, that eventually will take part in all later upcoming massive, and non-massive, objects in the developing space. -How all other massive and non-massive objects and particles in space finally occur is presented later in this page.

If trying to unify General Relativity, GR, and Quantum Mechanics, QM, we first have to refresh our GR

“By the large GR tries to unify Newton physics with Einstein’s own Special Relativity. Einstein contributes by adding time to the three dimensional space into the commonly called spacetime unit, holding four dimensions. Also, the idea of gravity not being a natural force but an effect of how energy and matter are distributed in space. The Newton form of gravity has an outcome only locally. But as you incorporate more space General Relativity determines gravity as – behavior – of energy, matter – and space.

Einstein’s view of gravity is similar to Newton’s, if you only focus on matter or energy that determines gravity. Einstein obviously wanted, very much, to add time into the three standard space dimensions. For a layman this resembles any engineer working with polar or rectangular elements. It’s the same, only different ways of expressing vectors or tensors. But Einstein would surely oppose this last conclusion mainly since he did not want to see gravitation itself from a vector/ tensor point. – More a product, effect or result of matter moving in space – through different zones with different spacetime curvatures. Space is only straight locally. Extend space and it curves, due to casually deposited matter and energy, interacting, relatively moving or not, up till the borders of Universe.”

“Einstein finally in his GR concluded that gravitation does not exist as a force in itself but is an effect of the curved spacetime. This is a rather strange conclusion – but his idea came from his own equations – and is proved experimentally and also is confirmed in every observation.”

(See Quotes page 4 – General Relativity) to page 4

The Quantum Mechanics, QM, presented here in this ToG site depends on ideas of the origin of QM presented in the Quantum Energy Balance, QEB, formula. Determining the basic forms of gravity/ qraviton and its balanced form of energy, the special electromagnetic field, semf; and how the gravity/ qraviton (and the semf) “will take part in all later upcoming massive, and non-massive, objects in the developing space.” In this manner we can indicate and determine how GR and QM may be unified.

If one analyzes the QEB formula a bit closer one can presume that it follows the statistical normal distribution frequency or curve:

Normal distribution – Probability density function

ª [ ª u/g < 1 <ª u/g > 1 ] = ª E = ƒ {T}

Where the amount of the energies, the gravity, qravitons, and the tension, semf, both peak at the value of 1.

This indicates that the weakest forms of both energies are the most frequent occurring. -Here one can note that these both energies that peaks extremely near the value of 1: A, are involved into the “top” of the normal distribution. I.e. are the most frequent “entities”. B, loses their “physical abilities” to take part in further universal development and remains as “left over energies“. These “left over energies” are both very strong candidates for the novel universal detection of vast amounts of “dark matter” and “dark energy“. Also the findings of in Universe free floating “clouds” of WIMPs, weakly interacting massive particles, can probably be found somewhere from the “sides” of the normal distribution curve. I.e. these massive particles have “some problems” “taking part” in further universal physics and interaction.

To “sketch” how the Quantum Energy Balance formula takes part in general relativity, GR, we have in previous paragraph indicated the predominant amount of the low potent energies, quasi- qravitons and quasi- SEMF (*2), don’t take part in universal “visible” physics. -Thus, remains in Universe as, more or less, “inactive” “dark matter” and “dark energy“. When the more physically “active” and potent gravity and the electromagnetic field (on the sides of the normal distribution curve) are taking part in the physical interaction and development of Universe. -The “active” qraviton, q = u/g < 1, gravity-energy, which not is trapped in the inactive “left over energies“, will later in the developing Universe contribute to mass and take part in wide range gravity (aka GR). -And the “active” special electromagnetic field, semf = u/g > 1, will establish EMF environments of the developing space.

This early reasoning is still far from the most searched unifying of GR and QM although contributes with preparing theorizing to the quest of Theory of Everything, TOE.

Subsection 10
The transformation of the universe

With the formula of QEB, Quantum Energy Balance, we are going into a stage of the Universe, which by all means needs a supercomputer to set straight all physical constants that are forming. What I for the moment can see is that the Aether 1, A1, is no longer present as in the beginning of the forming the Universe. Aether 2, A2, is modified, till an almost vacuum state, but existing. And, Black holes, Aether 3, or A3:s, are created in vast amounts draining the young Universe from its initial gravity and energy.

What has happened in the transformation? Or what has caused the transformation?

The theory says that the Black holes which are swamping and rising in amount, in the new Universe, the phase after the modified Aether 2, are the function or objects that have the most impact on the first upcoming massive particles. –Electrons and protons are created inside and emitting from the Black holes and merging into vast amounts of hydrogen gas (*3). -Which then starts the creation of stars, and all its different products related to this process. And when the stars are established, more new particles are being produced. -Though there is a problem noted here. Newborn massive stars do emit high rates of UV light, ultraviolet light and photons, which have a big decreasing effect on the amounts of both free hydrogen atoms and its gas version. Massless photons do in an overall manner dismantle hydrogen and contributes to a resulting inhibiting effect on its production. So, if hydrogen atoms and gas is achieved in early QEB evolution; most of this element must already have been established before, the galaxy and stellar introduction era and hence ahead, the massless version of the photon production reached more significant levels.

However, there is a peculiar situation concerning the Black holes, which modern astrophysics have indicated. First, on a large scale Universe appears spatially flat. Secondly, there seems to be a Black hole in the center of almost every galaxy. So, the accumulated large scale geometry of the Black holes in Universe obviously becomes aligned into a x, y resembling plane.

And there is at least one explanation for this: The rise of the first Black holes must have been located into an especially dense area or volume in the Universe at the beginning. This is rather probable since this form of “birth” of Black holes needs very much gravitational energy that probably is achieved in one special spot depending on the Universe’s time- frame development. -Observe that a slightly different time frame development could have created another shape in our Universe. And when the first Black hole begins to produce amounts of hydrogen this hydrogen “field” “amplifies” the upcoming of the second Black hole via the gravitation that this hydrogen “field” establishes. Maybe also giant clusters and huge gatherings of the remaining WIMPs are involved in some type of scaffold mechanism here.

With the “nearby” third Black hole emerging in Universe there is an embryo of a x, y plane created that, with help of the now added hydrogen gravitational “field” and the WIMPs, is continuing the creation of a large scale spatial flat Universe. -Also, probably the special physical behavior with the production of stars in conjunction with hydrogen “fields” that surrounds later established Black holes is furthermore helping the universal Black holes’ large scale x, y – plane to form. We also have to keep in mind that a Black hole has an enormous gravitational impact on its surroundings. Which can be helpful in the summoning of more gravitational energy till the total Black holes’ aligning process. Maybe also “cannibalism” occurs, that creates even more forceful Black holes. And we cannot enough exclude to mention the probable remaining existences of vast clouds of WIMPs in conjunction with the BHs aligning and birth. -Nevertheless, we live in, on a spatial large scale, a flat Universe with the Black holes aligned in a plane with most of the galaxies in Universe circling around one, or a couple, of them.

To continue, and taking deal of physics of today, about the common description of the material assembled in the Universe, is that 5 percent is visible matter such as atoms, molecules, dust, stars and planets.

25 percent is dark matter, which behaves as visible matter, and the rest of 70 percent is dark energy, which is distributed throughout space and slowly varies in time. Scientists of today tend to describe this energy as being the cosmological constant or “Vacuum energy”. This proportion, of about 25/70 percent dark matter/energy, remaining in novel space is fully in line with the Black holes in entire Universe preferably, during the developing space, are collecting and draining the gravitational aspect of the dark entities. -Still. when obviously not fully draining Universe from gravity- energy one can presume that the weakest forms of this type of energy are eluding the impact of the Black holes by some physical function or reasons. We also have to be aware that Universe of today only is a time stamp. -Universe of yesterday is not the same as Universe of tomorrow.

Subsection 11
The young universe

With the formula of QEB, Quantum Energy Balance, our Universe is in the beginning of its cycle. What we can see that happens related to QEB is that the qravitons, gravity, are attaching to the A3: s, Black holes. The special electromagnetic field, semf, energy, are forming the electromagnetic environments of our Universe. -Such derivative objects as photons, X-ray and gamma particles and also WIMPs are gathered. This state of the Universe is present before the first star being established.

Still, when the rising number of Black holes is escalating and they finally begin to emit electrons and protons, and the merging to hydrogen atoms and gas is everywhere; the Aether is forming till an almost vacuum status. -This also answers the problem of the scientific community not detecting the Aether in our Universe. -Because it has been transformed from once holding the Aether.

Then the first stars are created, by the gathering of hydrogen gas, in such amounts that this manifests the first galaxy. -Since the Black holes, that are placed in the center of almost all upcoming galaxies, are formerly created with appropriate distances between them. -Because of the general local drain of gravitational energy at the establishment of the specific Black hole. -And, as reasoned in Subsection 10 the upcoming Black holes in Universe are approximately aligned, on the universal full scale, into a plane structure.

This is the fundamental answer why most galaxies in our Universe, also, are aligned into a resembling disk shape. -Since most galaxies in Universe are originating from a Black hole, which are swirling and surrounding the major Black hole. –NASA estimates the number of galaxies, in present time, to be 2 million millions in the observable Universe. Hence the number of Black holes should be about the same. -Though there are smaller Black holes created in Universe from stars that have reached their final stage and are collapsing into dense material. These “smaller” Black holes can probably not establish anything majestic that a galaxy, with several hundred thousand millions – 100 million stars, represents. -The creation of a single vast galaxy from a single major Black hole is hinting at the major Black hole’s enormous amount of assembled gravitation. And the number of observable galaxies in Universe, with at least one Black hole in each center, shows the gigantic amount of originating gravitational and electromagnetic energy assembled in our Universe.

Trying to sketch out something about the WIMPs since they are mentioned in this Subsection. -If the WIMPs are sprung, concerning their universal origin, somewhere inside or among the whole group of derivatives of photons, X-ray photons and gamma-ray photons; and since the novel, present, “observed” WIMPs are suspected to have a very small but physically visible mass; this, possible, “fox among the speckled chickens” may be some indication of that also the novel, real, photon family, when regarded for being massless. -Can although be constructed with a concealed mass, as discussed in a later Subsection 13.

Subsection 12
A graviton alternative

If we begin with weight and mass, and uses Newtonian math we get that: 1 kg (mass) produces the force of about 9.81 Newton (weight) on earth’s surface and on the moon 1 kg creates a force of about 1/6 * 9.81 N. These figures and conversions are well known and points on the achieved acceleration which mass evokes on each other. Galileo and some other physicists showed and proved some 500 years ago that this type of acceleration is the same for any mass. Referring from earlier statements revealed that Aristotle was wrong when he claimed that different masses fall at different speeds. The equivalence for masses and such acceleration behavior was something which Einstein probably did use in some manner in his development of his gravity theory. And here we stand today with Einstein’s GR expressing the enigmatic physical behavior of gravity.

If continuing with how mass is manifested with standard physics of today the recent discovery of the Higgs boson and the everywhere in Universe existing Higgs field explains this, with the Higgs mechanism. -A theoretical physical and mathematical framework for explaining mass. Where virtual Higgs bosons are intermediating energy and mass to any elementary particles which in an intrinsic manner are massive. The photon, for example, which does not hold an intrinsic mass doesn’t acquire any mass from the Higgs field. The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 was a considerable achievement for the standard physics showing on the function of mass. When the exact mathematical framework for Higgs mechanics is rather complex it was a significant success of the standard model’s warrant to our elementary particles.

My own hesitation of this manner of explaining mass is built on the a bit non intuitive and the strong mathematical need for proving existence of mass. Mass to me naturally follows the famous energy-mass equivalence in E=mc^2. -Though, the mathematical framework of the Higgs field and Higgs boson does incorporate the principles of relativity, including Einstein’s famous equation to explain the origin of mass in Universe. And the accuracy of the standard model was even more proven in 2012 with the implementation of the prediction of the Higgs boson already from the mid 1960’s.

Besides the geometric type of gravity which GR represents there are other gravity ideas based on the presence of gravitational fields with the bosonic graviton being the quantum excitation of this field. Though the GR formulas, the leading geometric gravity idea, have been validated by the LIGO detection of gravitational ripples and extreme small gravitational waves by amplitudes by a few thousand parts of the proton diameter. -Which therefore provides strong empirical evidence supporting Einstein’s theory of general relativity, where gravity is described as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. This detection does not definitively prove or disprove whether gravity is tensor-boson related, such as the graviton idea, or not. -But it does confirm certain aspects of the geometric GR theory rather than a vector-based theory like Newtonian gravity or modern graviton related ideas.

The graviton
When the graviton idea is typically associated with the concept of a quantum particle mediating the gravitational force, similar to how photons mediate the electromagnetic force in quantum electrodynamics. In this context, the graviton is often envisioned as a tensor particle. -I.e. in some manner having more spatial “freedom” than a vector particle. In quantum field theory approaches to gravity, such as quantum gravity or attempts to quantize General Relativity, the graviton is hypothesized as the quantum excitation of the gravitational field. As such, it is considered to be a force carrier particle that would transmit the gravitational interaction between massive objects. -Though still not found.

The alternative
Therefore, a candidate for a graviton alternative, could be a double entity function creating gravity, weight and mass in physics, which is indicated from the total description and “story” told in this page here so far. And the double entity function in mind is not a particle, it’s energy. -Gravitational energy described with the qraviton formula, q = u/g < 1. Gravitation should not have a boson, which carries this entity. Gravitation maybe not is a force, F, which Albert Einstein vaguely indicated in his general relativity theories. -Gravitation is energy and may not have a particle. This explanation could be counter proven when gravitational waves recently have been detected pointing on some massless entity involved since these waves propagate with the speed of light. Only possible with zero mass construction. And, if the graviton had mass, gravity would not follow the inverse-square law exactly, and it would instead decay at long distances. This would contradict the observed behavior of gravity.

Subsection 13
The misconception of zero light mass

Here are some intuitive examples indicating non-zero light mass.

Any given ray of light passing any massive object does not split in Chromatic aberration but does curve in a sharp ray. (E.g. starlight passing planets.)

This gives an opportunity to two light ray observations:

  1. The AE (Albert Einstein) light deflection concerning light passing any massive object indicates nonzero light mass.

  2. The Chromatic aberration that is missing does not indicate zero light mass because the Chromatic aberration affect(s) the wavelength(s) of any given ray of light. The condition here isn’t Chromatic aberration but gravitational “aberration” causing the deflection.

Further two examples indicating nonzero photon mass:

  1. The “momentum” that the light (photon) possesses indicates nonzero mass because of that the classic laws of momentum are in a need of a mass, m, – if no mass no momentum.

  2. The light possesses energy – the photon is since decades known to possess the energy of “h”, Planck’s constant, as the smallest amount of energy known to exist that is quantified. This quantified energy we know is traveling in space and we now know, and even have measured, the Vacuum energy that surrounds the “h” (photon) in space. This indicates any form of “package” or mass that keeps the “h” from merging with the Vacuum energy that surrounds the photon.

This is now four classical occurrences that indicate nonzero light mass. And one has to compare these four occurrences with the classical strength with any zero light mass theory or mathematics. And all of these zero mass theories lack significance in a non-intuitive manner. We now have four intuitive occurrences for light nonzero mass.

Shall we perhaps also make a parallel screening of the light, or of the photon, to get a broader sight? Let’s make a momentum and a velocity feature of the photon.

Momentum, p, in a classical view is:
mass multiplied with the velocity.

The QM momentum, p, for the photon has its own formula:
the Energy, E, divided with the velocity, the speed of light, c.

For a single photon the energy is h, Planck’s constant. Observe that recent measures have shown h, Planck’s constant, to vary slight. The photon has momentum – but no mass – as defined for the photon momentum formula, here above.

So, photons do have momentum – with the velocity of c – and carrying the energy of h, Planck’s constant – but thus are defined with holding zero mass.

But the definition of photon momentum lacks something that has been discovered lately – the presence of the Vacuum energy – that surrounds the photon.

The Vacuum energy surrounding the photon gives a new aspect of the momentum formula of the photon:

or for a single photon;

Why doesn’t the h (the single photon) merge with the Vacuum energy when having momentum at the speed of light in space?

Because the photon is packaged with a mass that balances with the local Vacuum energy. And that also holds together the energy of the photon, h, to not to merge with the surrounding Vacuum energy.

One can also imagine that it is the Vacuum energy that gives the photon the energy for the momentum, which thrusts the photon up to the speed of c. Or at least makes it to sustain at the speed of c.

So, this gives the following eight options:

The mass of the photon is balanced against the local Vacuum energy.
The mass of the photon is hidden because of the local Vacuum energy.
The mass of the photon is hidden equal to the local Vacuum energy.
The mass of the photon tries to equal its energy of h.
The mass of the photon varies with statistical amount near its energy h.
The mass of the photon preserves the energy h to not split at c speed.
The mass of the photon vanishes when the photon- mass splits to qravitons.
The mass of the photon is measured with zero local Vacuum energy.

And zero local Vacuum energy is very hard to accomplish, and therefore it’s very hard to measure the mass of the photon.

And if zero local Vacuum energy thus is accomplished there sustains the energy of the photon itself, the h, that surrounds the mass of the photon. This has a most strange effect.

If zero local Vacuum energy is accomplished the photon theoretically loses its energy, h, because the energy, h, then balances with the mass of itself. If zero local Vacuum energy is accomplished the photon visible has no mass nor energy – it looks to vanish from the space-time horizon.

Photons from lasers makes fluorescence in calcite

For to be mathematical one can roughly write the modern, real, photon, γ, anything like this:

h = [Ʌ] – mγ + h

Which stands for: Planck’s constant, h, equals to the local Vacuum energy, [Ʌ], minus the mass of the photon, , plus Planck’s constant, h.

And the different energy parts in the “rough” formula are:
mγ = n(mγ) [ u/g < 1 ]
h =    n(h) [ u/g > 1 ]

Where the local Vacuum energy, [Ʌ], consists of same but diminutive gravitational and tensional energy localized at the linear trajectory path the photon takes or is spatially bound to. One can here speculate why and how the photon does not prefer to physically stay in a rest mass condition, but always results in light speed order.

When this formula compensates the local Vacuum energy, [Ʌ], there also pops up a mass concept of the photon, . Visible only Planck’s constant, h, seems to be detected without the full situation in mind. But there clearly are more under the surface. -Observe that this rough construction maybe guarantees the electrically neutral property which photons are equipped with.

Here, are some speculations and free mind reasoning:

An energy-quasi-plasma parcel
Since the photon looks like it has been encapsulated with energy composed of the proposed parts which the rough formula describes. -Encapsulated in the electromagnetic field, which as a suggestion also consists of the rough formula’s components. And when the photon seemingly here becomes an electrically neutral parcel, surrounded by an everywhere in Universe present field consisting of the photon’s residual elements. -It therefore looks like the behavior of plasma is at hand, when plasma always strives to become electrically neutral. Plasma also acts in collective manner under the influence of electric and magnetic fields. One therefore perhaps can classify the photon’s main characteristics resembling an energy-quasi-plasma parcel, electrically neutral, always striving for the speed of c and, always holding the energy amount of h. -How very intriguing. Especially when, also, the field itself, the electromagnetic field, is set under the behavior for this plasma criterion. I.e. trying to become electrically neutral. -Maybe the, electrically neutral, concentrated high energy-quasi-plasma parcel, which totally ignores the low energy electromagnetic field, from its, neutral, high energy parcel content, also is the reason for the photon assembling into an electrically neutral parcel. I.e. the law of neutrality forces the charged field itself to “snap off” microcosm parcels. Who knows? We also have to reflect over the ZPE, Zero Point Energy, law which contributes to all physical stances. The conclusion here, for me, is that these laws, the mentioned plasma criteria and the ZPE law, are “working” parallelly. -Contributing to applying force, h, Planck’s constant, and velocity, c, to the photon which results in its so-called constant speed in vacuum. The metaphor of a surfer on a steady wave comes to my mind. -Where the photon is the surfer, and the electromagnetic field is the ocean. The specific parallel combined function at the laws mentioned, applied to a suitable form of energy, creates force which is concentrated at the photon. Physical inevitable laws involved are the cause for the photon. -Of course. Also, this proposed behavior only occurs at precise conditions at all involved entities, which guarantees the constants of c and h come into existence.

The [Ʌ]
Curiously, if making a brief effort of the energy/ mass equivalence at a cubic Planck length from present estimations based on measurements by the Planck Collaboration, of the Vacuum energy density, one gets about 10^-98 Kg/ Planck length ^3. (The “Planck length” value is converted from 10^-26 Kg, being the measured average Vacuum energy density by the m^3.) This mass equivalence bric-a-brac calculus may give some references of how extremely small the mass of the photons could be. -When using the rough formula here proposed for the photon with the considered local Vacuum energy impact, the [Ʌ]. The photon mass therefore may be so small that it only can be theorized in this manner, and in a considerable time ahead will elude any effort of measurements. Nevertheless, this bric-a-brac photon mass estimation could be a reason why Black holes can exert a gravitational pull of photons. Which obviously occurs. And also hint of how much gravitational energy any Black hole may hold. (The factor between the radius of the electron and the Planck length is about 5 x 10^-21 where the Planck length is tremendously much smaller than the electron classical radius. These entities are referred here because the photon according to the standard model is considered a point particle without size or spatial extent. Observe that neither the electron radius nor the Planck length is measured. Both are calculated from QM related formulas.)

Light polarization and gravity
Some more probably relevant bric-a-brac: Faraday rotation refers to the rotation of the plane of polarization of electromagnetic waves, including light, as they pass through a magnetic or gravitational field. The Earth’s gravitational field induces a tiny change in the polarization of light passing through it. Experimental setups have been designed to measure this effect. One such experiment involves sending polarized light through a region influenced by the Earth’s gravitational field and observing the resulting rotation in the plane of polarization. While the rotation is extremely small, precise experimental techniques and advanced instrumentation have allowed researchers to detect and study gravitational Faraday rotation. (This paragraph here is merely a reminder of further and proceeding theoretical reviews concerning gravity, photons and light.)

So, continuing, if one makes a broader view one perhaps also can express X-ray and gamma “particles” with this formula. Just add a common multiply factor, b, to each part of the formula, for example an X-ray “particle” becomes:

bh = b[Ʌ] – bmγ + bh

And also the gamma-ray “particle” expressed in a similar way (with the multiply factor, c):

ch = c[Ʌ] – cmγ + ch

Some indication that X-ray and gamma ray photons actually are slightly different from ordinary visible light photons according to the here proposed rough constructions is the known electron-photon collect and emit behavior. When the electrons in atoms, for example, can be exited from ordinary light EMF spectrum photons and also return to a non-exited status by emitting single ordinary photons. This electron excitation behavior via its collect-emit property by photons is not applicable neither with gamma nor X-ray photons. -Also, radio and microwave photons do not excite electrons either. Only visible, and adjacent UV and IR, light EMF range photons do interact with the electron in this specific manner.

Since the initial derivative forms of X-ray and gamma-ray particles were “established” in phase 1 Aether going into phase 2 Aether, together with the first massive photons manifested in phase 2 Aether, in the early forming of our Universe; hence when the photon is lacking any specific antiparticle, besides being its own antiparticle; it may explain why all present variants of photons are their own antiparticles. -And each not having any specific antiparticle. Besides, one can here note that since the photon family obviously is sprung from the Aether- origin concept; this family of particles is some type of “functional” “anachronism” in the universal further development and in comparison, to the other elementary particles’ origin and physical stance.

This ToG site can also here in this Subsection 13 declare that the QEB formula links the photon with X-ray and gamma radiation (i.e. giving the photon family), all three being not only electromagnetic radiation, but also manifesting as particles; all having hidden masses, which are equaled by the universal Vacuum energy inclusive the SEMF force. -The remains of the once existed Aether.

Subsection 14
Some stray thoughts

I have in Subsection 1 here in this page stated two time postulates, were time, TP1: is created by all forms of energy, and were time, TP2: only affects matter. My thesis presented in Subsection 3 and Subsection 4 was that the massive photons as the first unit of energy, “h“, also held matter, , as the first such unit, before entering into the “zone” of non-time. Exactly when the photon derivatives disintegrate to “quanta” and vanishes from the space-time horizon.

What we now can discuss is if time does also exist in the “zone” of “quanta”? I.e. if the massive photons perhaps do live some kind of time-dependent and time-affecting “life” in this “quanta” status?

The answer is: No, the “quanta” status is a non-time zone or area. The proofs upon this are first, of course, the two time postulates given in Subsection 1:

Time postulate 1. The cause of time is created by all forms of energy.
Time postulate 2. The effect, duration, of time is only applied on matter.

And the second part in the proof is The Quantum Energy Balance formula, the QEB:

ª u/g < 1 = ª u/g > 1 = ª E = 0


ª [ ª u/g < 1 <ª u/g > 1 ] = ª E = ƒ {T}

These two last formulas here indicate energy. -Pure gravitational and pure electromagnetic energy, which represents the stage before the space-time reality. I.e. no space, time nor matter exists being in this stage.

Excluded mass, though having spin
QM spin at a particle can be divided into two main interactions; one is the interaction with its own properties from any relevant energy or field. The second interaction is the impact the spin has on this energy or field “outside” the particle. Observe that if no external energy or field is present no self-altering is achieved and its spin properties remain unchanged. Which is almost impossible because of the everywhere present fluctuating vacuum energy. -These interactions evoke some reference entities, of space expressed in three dimensions, (x, y and z), and it evokes time, (t). (The GR view.) -As the energy works on matter and its inertia, any spatial duration and time is shown. When the photon, for example, (the QM view), has zero mass, some energy, and has spin 1; such intrinsic properties may point to some type of matter condition. We have although to be aware that on a quantum level, such as for photons or electrons, spin is not applicable with classical physics. -Only explicitly explained through quantum mechanics related properties. Probably the photon’s mass may be so diminutive that it in average physical stances can be excluded. One awkward physical condition may come to reality when it seems that it’s the photon’s construction of the superior tension amount relative to its proposed minimal gravitational entity which sustains its properties. -Obviously its electrically neutral composition plays an important role here.

Electromagnetic radiation
What one here briefly may notice is that the discovery of the universal Vacuum energy, in combination with the here proposed extremely diminutive mass at the photon. -Together can explain the photon’s manner without seemingly inertia traveling at c speed with linear momentum. -Also, the photon’s c velocity trajectory, without any reaction on the universal Vacuum density or the electromagnetic environment; may be caused from the photon’s, in previous Subsection 13, proposed quasi-plasma electrically neutral construction. With this note we also may comprehend the interchangeable function of that electromagnetic force, also, behaves like light. -Since the photon generally is seen being quanta of the electromagnetic field.

The photon’s central position
Further, one can also rather surely comprehend that we here are in some type of “borderline” state between energy and mass. It looks like the photon is among the first of the microcosm- quantum energy entities which link or swap the two concepts of energy and mass. -Therefore the mass aspect of the photon probably becomes very or extremely diminutive. This manner of looking at these entities should not really be so hard to evaluate, The tough aspect here lies how energy comes into our physics, how it’s evoked. Most of the physics community holds the Big Bang responsible. Where the QEB statement is one of several challengers to the BB. Though the QEB idea has a most different way of introducing energy. The photon, however, remains with its central position, as it has in ordinary QM, like, it has in the QEB‘s view of an alternative evolution of the elementary particles.

Continuing on theory of gravity…

Of course, there exists energy in the “quanta” zone, which could activate time events. But there exists no “matter” in the “quanta” zone, only energy is present. I.e. the once existing massive photons are converted into qravitons, n(mγ) [ u/g < 1 ], and semf– energy, n(h) [ u/g > 1 ]. This explains how such a photon can return from the zone of “quanta”, with the “rebuild” of its mass-part, n(mγ) [ u/g < 1 ], and its energy-part, n(h) [ u/g > 1 ]; into an environment of varying local SEMF, +/-n [ u/g > 1 ].

-Observe that the “rebuild” or “creation” of the massive photons occurs when the qravitons and semf have an excess moment in the local Vacuum energy volume. And vice versa occurs, the photon derivatives disintegrate, at a moment of deficit in the local Vacuum energy range. -And more, the modern, the massless photon is defined as being a stable elementary particle, which indicates very small variations in the local Vacuum energy field. -And the earlier explained “left over energies“, dark matter and dark energy, probably don’t interact in this stance when being too weak for taking part with the modern photon. Maybe the “left over energies” can interact in special manners at high energy levels. We can thus note a distinction at the massless photon’s “high” energy range and, at the diminutive dark matter and dark energy range.

-This distinction is revealed if one considers novel space being locally much or extremely drained from “photons affecting energies”. And we can also sufficiently explain the “spooky effect” observed in physics. -Or the more scientifically known Quantum entanglement affecting photons, neutrinos and electrons for example. -The disintegration of the modern photon releasing its qravitons and semf or the specific energy loss of the neutrino or the electron in the local volume; can therefore locally attach sufficient “energy” for the other particle to instantly react on rather long distances. This “spooky effect” can only be achieved if we consider the physical “law” of a system’s search for the lowest possible energy state interfered with a sudden local excess of quantum energies. -The Quantum entanglement can further be boosted, and achieved, with interference of the 95% of dark matter and dark energy existing in our space, in combination with the physical “law” mentioned.

And as mentioned earlier, the environment of the local Vacuum energy, [Ʌ], hides the mass, , of the modern photon.

The situation that the [Ʌ] is hiding the mass of the photon indicates that the [Ʌ] also is preserving the photon intact; in such a manner that the modern photon is defined as being a stable particle. -The general reasoning here also implements that the amount of gravitational energy, qravitons, locally and wide range seems to be very or extremely sparse. I.e. the novel presence of vast amounts of Black holes, with their major gravitational draw in our Universe, are supporting the very much sparse existence of qravitons. This has an immense negative effect on the possibility of massless photons being “rebuilt” or created. -Observe that we here are reasoning of the “rebuilds” of both, early universal derivatives of photons which rather easily alters between their massive and “quanta” states. -And of modern photons which are regarded having zero mass and almost an eternal in lifespan, far longer than the age of Universe.

The “rebuilds” of massless photons are thus extremely rare and spontaneous depending on the reaching of local enough qravitons, n(mγ) [ u/g < 1 ], and local enough semf– energy, n(h) [ u/g > 1 ]; into a varying SEMF environment, +/-n [ u/g > 1 ]. The interesting theoretical issue here becomes if the photon- “reconstruction” being independent or dependent on the varying SEMF environment, +/-n [ u/g > 1 ]?

Since the photon energy, h, is confirmed constant by measurements the answer is that it’s statistically indicated that the “rebuild” of the photon is independent of the probabilistic fluctuating SEMF environment. -This induces that the mass of the photon, also, is a constant. And the former mentioned equilibrium function (see Subsection 6) at the photon probably “adjusts” its existence, of a constant mass, at the everywhere in Universe present varying SEMF environment. -Whether in motion or not.

Equilibrium spots depending on various energy values (*4)

The reasoning in this Subsection 14 and in Subsection 13 indicates that the mass of the modern photon exists, and also is a constant.

Can we unite it being: ?

I.e. theoretically these two formulas occurred, defining the mass and the energy of the real photon:

mγ = n(mγ) [ u/g < 1 ]
h =    n(h) [ u/g > 1 ]

Generally, the value is here achieved with the non- space, time nor matter defined qraviton. And the h value is made of its opposite semf function. -And they should therefore be regarded for not being “real” physical entities. Then just remember the beginning creation process of the photon derivatives when the Aether 1, A1, did gather due to the gravitational assembled pull manifesting the newborn photon derivatives at Aether stage 2, A2. -The is though not “visible for the eye”, but the energy, h, of the modern photon is.

Since the “plasma” state is supposed to occur when the atoms are divided into its opposite charged elementary particles, electrons and protons, at very high temperatures. E.g. at fusions, such as in nuclear bomb explosions or in the cores of stars. -When one standard view of Universe is that it’s in a constant cold plasma condition due to the vast content of opposite charged particles. One can presume that the qraviton, holding some type of charge, and the semf being at an opposite polarity, also behave in a similar way that plasma does. -Plasma physics is ruled by several criteria, where one central rule is that it always tends to become neutral with its charged particles content. Hence initially the qravitons and semf probably gather into vast interstellar neutral cold plasma resembling clouds. Thereafter the merging of qravitons and semf may be enhanced in the building of the massive photon family particles. -Simultaneously dark matter, dark energy/ SEMF and WIMPs remains, from the photon family derivative creation, and are established at their functions in the forthcoming universal frame.

What we here when discussing the concepts of space, time, energy and matter, both theoretically and physically have stumbled upon are the borders of consensus of the Scientific community.

The consensus of the Scientific community is of importance, else anarchy rules, but these borders are constantly on the agenda of the works of physics.

Subsection 15
Late note of Higgs boson

Higgs field was indicated at the CERN LHC machine, in 2012 by the high collision energy of 8 TeV (4+4 TeV), with the recurring detection of a massive 125 GeV bosonic particle. (The searched QM– collision reaction theoretically only needs a minimum of 1.4 GeV.) The proton proton collision occurred in the supposed field of the cosmological constant, the Vacuum energy field (which was theorized by Albert Einstein). -And in the electromagnetic field, the EMF. The issue here becomes if these both physical energy fields, the EMF and the Vacuum fields, are of the same origin; and are unified by high energies? Where the theorized Higgs boson manifests at raised energies, and the EMF and Vacuum energy fields normally are present with standard energies. -Note that Higgs boson is supposed to be established in a non-vector field environment. Where the EMF energy field is a vector field, a field with direction. -And if we are raising the energy level we theoretically maybe can get a local non-vector scalar field. -A EMF, vector, energy field converted to a Higgs, non-vector, field, by adding high energies.

One question becomes if the hypothetical Higgs boson/ field only manifests at high energies? We know: A, that the probability for an energy field missing direction is larger if high energies are externally attached. B, that the EMF energy field, the electromagnetic field, if missing high energies, is a vector field. So, if adding high energies to a vector field it theoretically can convert to a non-vector field. -At least locally.

We also got the in Subsection 9 theorized entities of “left over energies“, the mystic “dark matter” and “dark energy“. That obviously became the most frequent, in amount, existing QM “particles” in our Universe. -When analyzing these particles using the statistical normal distribution curve with the presented QEB, the Quantum Energy Balance, formula. We also found that the “left over energies” were too “weak” to actively interact in the developing Universe. -The naming of these dark entities to quasi- qravitons and quasi- SEMF hints at their lost functions. Although these “weak” QM “particles” (including WIMPs) represent about 95% of the total existing matter and energy. And their large deficits of force make them good candidates for establishing non-vector- scalar “particle” fields. The weak, or missing, polarities these fields hold probably results in a functional non-force, neutral, scalar overlapping “mix” of “quasi- matter” and “quasi- energy”. -And probably being a perfect candidate for the by Peter Higgs and other researchers’ presented theory of an everywhere universal existing field, the so-called Higgs field.

Then we got two field candidates, for creating the searched scalar boson, Higgs boson, to appear in the LHC project:

  1. The EMF energy field locally “boosted” with external high energy changing to a non-vector energy field state. Still, the chances are not in favor of manifesting Higgs boson here, when this type of field only holds EMF energy and almost totally lacks matter. -Though maybe it can be converted from a local vector field to a local non-vector field, if boosted externally with high energies. -Still being almost totally drained from matter.

  2. The dark matter and dark energy– overlapping field. Which probably can provide matter and energy for the 125 GeV Higgs boson to appear, if adding external mass and energy. E.g. at the LHC project. This type of field is supposed to lack direction, but having mass and energy, which makes it a non-vector, scalar, energy field.

The last reasoning can indicate if the theorized Higgs field exists in Universe. -Both at high and low energy ranges. One note of importance is that every physical event tries to exist at the lowest energy level possible. -This physical behavior can also lead to the issue of which field is supporting Higgs boson.

If refining the issue, does any local EMF energy change to a Higgs field at high energies? -Or are they, the EMF and the overlapping dark field, solitary and stable entities? -At the most possible low energy state, one or both, supporting the making of Higgs boson? -I’m trying to prove which is the physical correct field. And I’m also advocating that these fields are different physical entities.

It’s a tricky issue, still, interesting…

The EMF energy got direction, besides having energy. It’s a vector force field. -When Higgs boson is a scalar boson and represents an energy field without direction. Then Higgs boson must have been created from dark matter and dark energy existing in all parts of our Universe.

Computer simulation – Higgs boson search

So, the Higgs boson discovery in 2012 obviously showed dark matter and dark energy existing. Which makes sense to me. -And maybe being a bit risky to reveal with the LHC machine. -This when about 95% of Universe’s total matter and energy are dark. And up today not being able to detect, nor explain, with novel physics. -Except with the LHC project and the Higgs field theory.

-If here also presenting some recent data from the Planck Collaboration project, concerning the observed – no matter space – average Vacuum energy amount in Universe of about 3 GeV/m^3. -And relate this to the repeatedly measured Higgs boson of 125 GeV; one can notice a possible correlation between dark matter and dark energy, sprung from the proposed QEB formula’s “quasi- matter” and “quasi- energy”, being involved. The collision area at the LHC machine is constructed to be as free as possible from any stray particles and electromagnetic noise by high pressure vacuum and cooling systems. Though some electromagnetic energy cannot be shield from the synchrotron radiation used for accelerating the protons to near the light speed. And the collision area is also covered from any possible stray light sources. The experiment cannot at all repeat the universal overall vacuum at 3 GeV/m^3 totally free from any elementary particles, where the Higgs field is supposed to exist. On the contrary the theory behind the LHC experiment is built on the Standard Model’s prediction of a considerably higher value, a VEV at about 246 GeV. -The lowest working energy level at which mass is revealed and manifested at. -Observe that finding this VEV indicates the physical existence of Higgs field, exclusively in this order.

Though Higgs field, estimated as an energy field and sprung from the Standard Model, calculates with a VEV, a vacuum expectation value. -Considered for being the lowest non-zero average – probabilistic fluctuating – value at which the Higgs mechanism is expressing mass to all the intrinsic massive elementary particles. -Where the VEV of the Higgs field is a fundamental parameter that sets the energy scale at which electroweak symmetry breaking occurs. An intuitive way to describe this may be that nature borrows some type of energy, from this fluctuating field, to become massive. The Higgs field is both estimated and studied (the LHC) which has resulted in the VEV amount of approximately 246 GeV, without any correlating volume given, also known as the vacuum state. -Note that the VEV of the Higgs field is a property of Universe as a whole and is thought to represent a universal constant throughout space and time. And it is not expected that the VEV of the Higgs field would go below neither go above its minimum value of approximately 246 GeV under normal circumstances, according to the framework of the Standard Model. Observe that Higgs field itself varies near VEV in a probabilistic manner, where its VEV is the working energy for the electroweak symmetry breaking to occur establishing mass. Therefore, Higgs boson is seen to be the extreme short-lived massive elementary particle being manifestation of the probabilistic fluctuations. Like the photon being quanta of the electromagnetic field.

v – Vacuum Expectation Value formula for the W-boson

It’s in its place to mention that the constancy of this VEV is a foundational assumption of the Standard Model, and understanding its origin is a topic of ongoing research in theoretical physics. While various hypotheses have been proposed, no definitive explanation has yet been established. Further theoretical developments and experimental observations may provide insights into the nature of this VEV which being the energy level at which the Higgs field is established, with an associated mass and electroweak scale around 246 GeV, contributing to its special role in fundamental physics. Although we have to be aware that the total cosmological view concerning the Higgs mechanism is the assumption of a Big Bang representing a hot and dense Universe expanding. -And therefore, cooling down whereas the electroweak symmetry breaking hence occurs. Where also this cosmological aspect is placed on the QFT and the Standard Model which both are part of the foundation for today’s physics and where the reasoning of the Higgs field is included. Probably the novel particle physics is not affected especially much by different origins though, as mentioned, entire cosmological theories are more dependent on early universal evolution.

If one by the reasoning so far may give an idea of how Higgs field, sustaining its VEV, can be explained is the slightly similar notion of the gravitational constant, G, is a constant which the scientific community also has difficulties to find out how it’s established. The reasoning may begin with the Quantum vacuum state. The lowest energy state a volume can hold, without any elementary particles, still not empty. Where the Higgs energy field should have its occupation, expressing any passing, or resting, elementary particle its mass. So does the gravitational constant parallel setting the strength of gravity, however in a most diminutive amount. How are these physical stances correlated?

If we remember how the gravitational constant earlier was hinted at or speculatively proposed to occur (see Subsection 5), we noticed that the formula of the photon regulation was in need of all the available Black holes in early Universe. -How this regulation is thought to give a rudimentary balance of the gravitational strength at which the massive photon alters between its dissolved energy parts, its “quanta”, and its life as a derivative particle. Hence, we can notice the balanced strength, pressure or energy level emerging through the dissolved “quanta” versus the early photon existing phase. Both the theorized Higgs field and the gravitational constant are in need of the early universe’s creation of a special “quanta”-photon balance establishing a specific – probabilistic fluctuating – amount of energy. -I.e. establishing a universal constant “hidden” energy frame. Therefore, we can notice some brief hinted correlation with the universal gravity strength, G, and Higgs field’s amount of cosmic energy. Exactly how the mass and gravity at any elementary particle further are mathematically and physically expressed we may calculate with the Higgs mechanism and not yet written formulas regarding the very diminutive gravitation of quantum particles. Although we can far away notice some type of bonding concerning quantum mechanics, QM, and GR, though at very small gravity levels. So, here widely, it may exist a rudimentary correlation between the, so far not detectable, residuals of the early universal massive photons’ regulation, the Black holes, Higgs field’s interdependence to its VEV and G. -If so, it’s an intuitive example of how QM and GR may be united. And for just to summarize the last reasonings of the constants VEV and G one can a bit “unorthodoxly” claim both being potentially related “power” entities in the cosmological interstellar void. In their “electromagnetic” respectively “gravitational” aspects. Where possible links here certainly are most intriguing. -Maybe by thinking of the VEV as a vacuum density constant and G as a spacetime curvature constant, one might explore potential connections where cosmic energy densities and curvature are coupled. I.e. a possible density-curvature relation of some sort. Where they could be seen as two manifestations of a general principle where energy density governs spacetime curvature.

γ = ª qG´t [A1 ↔ A2] = ƒ {A3}
Proposed regulation between the “photon”,
“quanta” and the Black holes

Here are some stray reasons why maybe the modern, real, photon existences can be influenced from such regulation which this early universal evolution “formula” describes. All existing shining stars in Universe have during their lifetime emitted photons being about 99.9% of their total emission of energy and particles. The mean lifetime of the photon is regarded as infinite, where studies have given any such figure to about 10^18 years compared to Universe’s age of about 1.38 x 10^10 years. Since the photon’s life in Universe is almost eternal, some type of “demount” could be at hand so as not to alter or overwhelmingly influence the fine-tuned universal environment. I have in the reasoning in Subsection 5 vaguely mentioned parallel reasons responsible besides the Black holes existing in the early Universe’s stance for being the “regulators” in the proposed photon derivatives versus its quanta status cycle.

-My second thought did involve the large amounts of both electrons and protons (and hence hydrogen gas) produced from the Black holes in the most early cosmological stellar creation phase. I.e. where Universe switched from its “Dark Ages” to the stellar photon light emitting phase. And since the preceding photon derivatives/ quanta cycle in reality have established some type of persistent universal vacuum condition; this universal “energy” strength in itself maybe has some fundamental impact on mainly the modern, massless, photon universal presence in combination with the Black holes’ jets of electrons. I’m here specifically arguing for constant α emerging from the earlier photon derivatives/ quanta universal regulation where the Black holes grew and became stabilized and initially participated in this “regulating” manner. In this way constant α has been introduced in Universe and maybe is “taking over”. -And during this phase shift being calibrated in magnitude. Where the stellar, bright and real, photon universal epoch now has another “regulator” mechanism established. -The constant α photon-electron merging relative strength. In junction with the now massive amounts of electrons and protons, and hence the hydrogen, build. This reasoning is intuitive and maybe not physically coherent. How would Universe work with all photons produced, and never dismantled? -Or more accurate, never caught within the electron excitation? Maybe all massless photons produced are a part of the long-term evolution of Universe, for good, for worse.

Observe that constant α is a product of the electron charge, the speed of light and the permittivity of free space, where all components mentioned hints the cosmological overall stabilized, electric and magnetic and hence the “energy” status. Also note that for the single photon-electron interaction the constant α assigns the probability for this merging or not to occur. Though when being the cornerstone of all universal simultaneous particle interactions α can be regarded as the central particle- “regulating” constant as it is, by its role in the overwhelming relative amount, of all cosmological particle interactions that occurs. In this manner we can fairly catch the function α has and its origin, though G still eludes at least my present understanding of its origin in a more refined manner. If we shall not regard the preliminary version of the derivatives involved in the photon-quanta-BHs early universal “regulation” formula for adequate, and hence hinting at the origin of the gravitational constant G. And not only α can be found as a result in the aftermath of the initial photon-quanta-BHs cosmological interstellar process. Such constants like the electric and magnetic fully determining the speed of light in vacuum are also evoked and together with α ensures that light’s interaction with electrons is stable and consistent. In this manner the united action with the speed of light and electromagnetic interactions is better understood. -Being cosmological consistent and, combined with the theorized mechanisms of Universe described by the QEB formula and formulas sprung from it, may be equivalent with proper astrophysical behavior and configuration.

The early universal phase of the massive photons’ regulation, with the A3: s incorporated and, participating in initial quantum vacuum state physics does not specifically or in an average speculative theoretical manner follow standard QM physical logic and such probable outcome. Although some of the QM and astrophysics of today are without fair and relevant explanations. -If we can disregard the inflation additive and the Big Bang theory explaining such manifestations like the Higgs field, for example. Therefore, the BB idea really has a most legitimate strong and established position in physics, only shown by this example. Maybe it’s here somewhere where alternate BB theories, like the QEB formula, can have difficulties to prove essential physical circumstances. I will still endure, in this specific part of the search for the graviton, with this early universal photon regulation formula contributing to Universe’s interstellar environment, for lack of better.

Subsection 16
Modern field physics

Modern field physics is collected under the abbreviation of ZPE, Zero Point Energy, in German Nullpunktsenergie. This name originates from the “law” of all physical systems’ search for the lowest possible energy state. In novel quantum field theory, QFT, two different fields are stated: Matter field (i.e. leptons and quarks) and force field (e.g. photons and gluons), which both are ruled by zero point energy physics. The resemblance with Aether physics is noted here by the physics community though without the original light propagation medium aspect. And we have also to be aware that absolute zero Kelvin is not possible in these fields when the Heisenberg uncertainty principle (position/ momentum) always is at hand.

Since novel field theories can be calculated with these three aspects, matter and force fields and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the sum of the total Vacuum energy is about a “factor” of 10^120 greater than the observed Vacuum energy. More recent calculations do improve this discrepancy to about a “factor” of 10^55. This discrepancy is one of modern physics unsolved mysteries and is named as the cosmological constant problem. This “factor” must really be noticed for one of physics up to date “stall”. -And the discrepancy between the theoretical prediction and the observed value of the vacuum energy density is considered one of the largest discrepancies in the history of theoretical physics.

When the “quasi- qravitons“- aspect in modern field physics is manifested by the leptons’ and quarks’ (fermion) corresponding fields. And the “quasi- SEMF“- impact is estimated from the photons’ and gluons’ (boson) fields; exemplified from the quantum field theory. When the Heisenberg uncertainty principle effect on the elementary particles’ fields is applied. The value of the total Vacuum energy (cosmological constant) is extremely raised. -If one compares the novel estimated Vacuum energy effect with the here in this page presented QEB formula entities -And especially, instead, “calculates” with the formula’s both left over energies. -The cosmological constant problem could have its solution and answer here.

The basic reasoning of why the QEB entities are, or could be, involved into the solution of the huge cosmological constant problem’s inconsistency is based, of course, by their pure construction being the original “invisible” microcosm entities; which all further developed universal elements are built upon. These proposed entities are the origin of the smallest up to the largest universal objects. So, when also being the origin of all elementary particles and energy fields they could suit the answer of the cosmological constant problem.

Subsection 17
Physical fields conclusions

The cosmological constant, Ʌ, includes dark matter and dark energy and, has impact on major matter, especially on very large objects such as galaxies in Universe. Examples are the astringent force which keeps the galaxies’ arms together from splitting due the centrifugal force when rotating, which dark matter is supposed to do. And dark energy is regarded for making all the galaxies in Universe move apart at an accelerating pace. Other forces such as the different radiation forms from, for example, all the galaxies and their stars are added into the total resulting push/ pull effect on matter in our Universe. Observe that also WIMPs probably also interact in the astringent force keeping the galaxies and maybe Universe fairly assembled. Though, the WIMPs are not here included into dark matter since the QEB formula defines them for “visible” matter similar to the photon, and its family of particles.

The dark matter and dark energy are, here in this page, manifested being left over energies, both gravitational and electromagnetic, theorized from the QEB formula. Other descriptions are quasi- qravitons (quasi- matter) and quasi- SEMF (quasi- energy) that can hint at their behavior, function and position. -In the entire cosmological interaction. -Also named for the universal wavefunction, where the “totality of an evolving existence” is manifested to everything simultaneously. Compared to classical physics where energy and momentum acts locally and “one by one”. Perhaps the QEB formula can be a candidate for a universal wavefunction with its suggestions of probability, symmetry and pre existence of spatial Quantum Energy Fields, evolving to a universal permeating Quantum Gravity Field presence.

The electromagnetic field, EMF, is on the other hand manifested and theoretically originating from the QEB, Quantum Energy Balance, formula. -Being derived from the QEB theory as an active and fully functioning, interacting, cosmological “visible” entity supporting the electromagnetic environments of our Universe. (See Subsection 9.) Alternatively, the dark energy, the quasi- SEMF, can and, is “interacting” with the ordinary “visible” EMF. Since it has various electromagnetic “strength”, varying from zero up till ordinary EMF force.

Though we have to be clear that the quasi- SEMF has a big interval of missing “strengths” participating with the ordinary EMF– values. Since these have been involved in the massive build of the photon family derivatives and the WIMPs in the early forming of our Universe. -When phase 1 Aether converted to phase 2 Aether. Let’s call this the EMF A2 zone. -Or the photon family derivatives drain. And, of course, we have to notice, when mentioning the early photon derivatives creation, that real photons, and their higher energy versions, constantly are produced from stars and other sources in present Universe. (See also note (*2) for a summary of the total EMF range.)

Attempts have been made from the novel research- focus finding signs of the assumed existing dark matter, occupying about 25% of our Universe, through the popular sun neutrino projects. -Since all time the three-flavor neutrino theory was confirmed in the 1990’s this field of research has been on the physics agenda. Maybe the late discovery that the neutrino changes flavor (oscillates) much faster than the theory and standard model predicts is hinting on the enigmatic dark matter. -Or parallel on a fourth neutrino flavor. -This idea has although been rejected by much late studies. Therefore, the idea that gravity- energy, especially the here proposed remaining diminutive forms of qravitons, is interacting with the neutrino propulsion in a shorter spatial manner than thought is not that unlikely. This late discovery is shaking the standard model of our elementary particles. I.e., the theory of the neutrino being exactly massless has been contravened by these late experiments. Because the neutrino cannot oscillate, when it travels through space or matter, without self having mass.

The physics community, for the moment, are having different approaches and speculations about the Higgs field and the Vacuum energy field. What is their origin? How do they correlate? If they are different types of fields? To my view the Higgs field is a part of the Vacuum energy field consisting of both dark matter and dark energy, where the Higgs field exclusively relates to the dark matter component. -And the WIMPs, as mentioned, are excluded from the dark matter concept. And where the cosmological constant, Ʌ, is a specific form of Vacuum energy which remains constant over time and space, contributing to the overall energy density of the Universe. I.e. the Vacuum energy field is fluctuating at quantum level and contribute to a non-zero energy density, where the Ʌ is considered describing the homogeneous universal field. This reasoning reveals the Ʌ truly consisting of Higgs field and dark energy. With the WIMPs on the side as some type of universal assembling entity. Which also the Higgs field on a very large scale contributes to. This explanation is somewhat relieving to me when universal physics seems to be swarming with all sorts of fields. And the cosmological constant problem may be hinted a solution if we can decrease the fields involved. I think that I have to mention that the reasoning here at this page is a fair part of the ongoing physics constant updating and reviewing.

If, also approaching the obvious idea, relating the cosmological constant to a mixture of dark energy and dark matter, where the dominance of dark energy leads to a positive cosmological constant, Λ > 0. -And where the accelerated expansion of Universe, explained in this way, has been discussed and explored within the context of theoretical physics and cosmology. However, it is not a mainstream or widely accepted idea in current physics research. Further, if including or excluding the WIMPs in the dark matter category one still gets a fixed positive cosmological constant. (Where the WIMPs still act in the background though not are included.) More cosmic observations can determine if the WIMPs should be counted to the dark matter form, and if both dark energy and dark matter belong to the Vacuum energy.

Subsection 18
Is physics missing something?

Most of the novel physics seem to be alright though, different parts like, the age of Universe becomes not the same with different counting methods. The total CMB-, cosmic microwave background, mapping by Planck space telescope is not showing the big speckled pattern it should. It’s more smooth and even spread than calculated. And the most recent observation from the James Webb telescope puzzles the researchers. -This when the findings of 6 most far away galaxies, about 13.5 billion years old, are giant when expected being small tiny “baby” galaxies. This is not possible when Universe, estimated to be about 13.8 billion years old, should not be capable of creating such large galaxies the first 500-700 million years of its existence. Such anomalies are creating doubt of a correct novel physics.

Planck reveals an almost perfect Universe

Probably there is at least generally nothing wrong with the QM physics. -Though the origin of the, so far discovered, quantum mechanics particles can be the cause of some of the anomalies reported. -When, the origin of the observed elementary particles are not included in the QM mathematics.

It can be the Big Bang reasoning which is giving the differences at the mentioned calculations and observations. -I.e. how the elementary particles are created can be the cause of the discrepancy. Here the suggested QEB universal wavefunction formula may be a fair substitute for the BB. When the QEB formula is giving somewhat different evolution of our Universe, especially of the elementary particles’ creation history. And the QEB formula may hint at large or massive galaxies created in the beginning of our Universes, At least it doesn’t go against massive first born galaxies in Universe. -This is impossible with the Big Bang universal early evolution. When the BB and its inflation theory sustains a very hot and chaotic early Universe contradicting early massive galaxies. -The QEB formula’s progress doesn’t have this early Universe intense experience.

Also, the discrepancy in the calculations with the QFT, quantum field theory, regarding the cosmic constant and the theory’s major contribution to the huge deviation between the calculated and observed values, has to be mentioned. The QFT uses several types of fields and virtual particles incorporated in its mathematical framework, maybe all these different entities are a crucial reason for this huge deviation. If we are about to trust on the observed cosmic constant average value one must allow a deeper scrutiny of this aspect of the QFT. And as mentioned the QEB formula does not primarily evoke any more fields than the presented variants of quasi- SEMF, SEMF and the photon family which is tied up in electrically neutral semf particles (*2). -Also, the quasi- qravitons, is a remaining field, after that the Black holes have swept Universe free from most of the gravitational components, defined as dark matter, and finally disclosed being Higgs field. Hence the virtual particles and corresponding different fields, which are essential in QFT, are in the QEB statement not required. -Which is giving a definitive minor mathematical aspect of the cosmological constant. I’m though aware that the QFT has a most profound position in today’s physics. And cannot easily be exposed for counter argumentation.

Subsection 19
Spacetime and gravity

The concept of gravity came from spacetime itself. This was the mind-boggling idea that Einstein finally “landed” in. -After the beginnings of his contemplation of gravity, with Aether resembling ideas. It was the 20th century’s physics most mystic reasoning. Einstein stated that the curved space in combination with matter induced gravity in the 1915 GR, general relativity, papers. And he did rule out any form of universal propagation substance with the reasoning that any medium for gravity was not necessary. And that only space and matter was evoking the impact of pull on corresponding mass.

When Einstein used previous physicists’ model of a four dimensional spatial matrix from space and time, crafting his pervasive general relativity idea, it became the physics cornerstone it still is today. Though some recent physicists claim that time isn’t needed in physics. -And if we also claim space the same fate. We have made a clean space-time cut-out from physics.

Gravity continues the same

Maybe Einstein wouldn’t oppose that much if he only could take part of the QEB, quantum energy balance, formula. Because the QEB basic ideas don’t reinstall any late 19th century Aether- concept. -Though it speaks of an Aether that once existed in the early forming of our Universe. Then vanished and transformed to almost only electromagnetic field. Also sustaining with, for the moment, untraceable dark matter and dark energy in novel Universe. -Which, in combination with matter created from – and with – the evolving QEB universal wavefunction, explains the gravitational behavior space has. Space and time can thus be regarded as obsolete in GR physics. Remaining only as imaginary reference units. When gravity continues the same. Possibly the mystic curved spacetime concept can remain in physics although be de-mystified with the proposed QEB formula.

I think that the frequently occurring observation and reasoning in this entire page as the line – “Then vanished and transformed to almost only electromagnetic field.” – is most crucial for our Universe. -How the Aether once was transformed and vanished leaving almost only remaining EMF, due to the extreme affecting growth of billions after billions of Black holes. -When these enormous deposits, both in amount and contents of gravity, swept the entire early Universe from its massive components, they cannot sufficiently be pointed out as being responsible for the novel construction of our Universe. -Situations like that the photon family functionally being without mass. -And space seemingly existing without gravitational components such as the graviton or similar entities. Did appear. -Leaving only the mystic spacetime behavior visible, exemplified with the green apple falling down to the ground of earth.

Subsection 20
The unification of QM and GR

So, the QEB qraviton entity, q = u/g < 1, is not only sustaining with energy/ gravity to the build of massive and non massive particles inside the major Black holes, building electrons and protons (holding quarks and gluons); the quasi- qraviton entity, here suggested being dark matter; may also be the “substance” which, for the moment impossible to detect, is unifying QM and GR. -I.e. the “mystic” curved spacetime encounter with mass evoking gravity can be explained with the QEB linked quasi- qraviton being the intermediating medium that makes the GR spacetime formulas depicting gravity so well. In these both ways one can widely state the unification of QM and GR seems to be accomplished.

One reflection concerning why protons are so much heavier than electrons must be mentioned here. The mass of the proton is approximately 99.95% greater than the mass of the electron. Or, roughly 1,836 times more massive than electrons. Protons then are significantly more massive than electrons. This major difference in mass indicates the manner in which they both are created, here suggested, inside the Black holes. And preferably with the least frequent, but “heaviest”, variants of the qravitons, u/g < 1. Which is sustaining the Black holes with an overwhelming amount of “mass” relatively electromagnetic energy according to the base expression of the qraviton. So, if the Black holes are mostly “fed” with the most potent variants of u/g < 1 the output, protons and electrons, should generally have this large difference in mass, as they obviously have.

Another reflection is the year 2015 LIGO detection of gravitational waves. Here one can scientifically use the metaphor of a stone dropped in a pond where the ripples and tiny waves on the surface are spread out from the incident, just like gravitational waves behave from any cosmic major event. Though these gravitational waves are a function of the GR spacetime concept. -One can believe that this similarity in behavior is caused by some gravitational intermediating medium maybe explained with the here proposed QEB quasi- qraviton universal gravitational substance. Somewhere here one maybe can hint the construction of these gravitational waves since these waves propagate with the speed of light and therefore must be massless in some manner. And accordingly, to this page, should consist of most diminutive quasi- qravitons maybe embedded with most faint quasi- SEMF energy, which would be analogue to this page’s view of the massless photon. Though in a much smaller scale.

LIGO mirrors change by a few thousandths of a proton diameter

Since the origin for the LIGO detection in 2015 was two average size stellar Black holes merging (29 and 36 sun masses). Then the resulting emission of the remaining mass as gravitational wave energy indicates that the proposed intermediating medium should be faint and existing in entire Universe. -When the detected few oscillations only were orders of fractions of the diameter of a proton. -And when the merging occurred approximately at 1.3 billion light-years distance. One striking observation concerning these mirror images are their conformity at approximately 3000 Km distance, which does indicate some type of constancy at the medium in question. The proposal earlier presented of the quasi- qravitons, revealed as Higgs field, may have some relevance for being this medium, when this field is supposed to permeate all Universe with some type of constancy. For to be certain of Higgs field involved in gravitational waves larger distances should be used at the opposite detector station localities. The idea of to distinguish on the Higgs field and gravitons probably is necessary because they have different functions in physics. Though both are theorized to originate from the qraviton entity.

Subsection 21
The graviton versus the qraviton

The QEB formula should be imposed at the normal statistical distribution curve for, the varying amounts and strengths of the gravitational entity, the qravitons. Though there are some “steps” which divide the presence of the qravitons in free universal space. -Where the varying amounts of SEMF stays on a fairly high level during all these “steps”.

If we theoretically assume that the first “step” – after the gathering of the both base entities in the QEB universal wavefunction (Aether 1 goes to Aether 2) – is the creation of photons, X-ray and gamma derivative particles. Also WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles) are coming to existence. This is partly draining the newborn Universe from both qravitons and semf. How near to the weakest forms these both QEB entities come to use, in the particles build, is rather difficult to estimate. Though the most frequent and weakest forms – of qraviton = u/g < 1 and semf = u/g > 1 (SEMF) – are not interacting in this first cycle of the Universe’s setup. They remain unchanged being the most frequent amounts. -And should as a suggestion be the answer for the novel existence of dark matter and dark energy.

Probably also the least frequent amounts of the qravitons and SEMF, the most potent of these entities, are left out at the creation of the different light-particles and WIMPs. When the most potent qravitons cannot stay in a solitary state they begin to assemble into large gravity deposits (Aether 2 goes to Aether 3) (an Aether 3 is a Black hole). This is later resulting in that the more frequent, weaker, free qravitons together with dissolving – local Aether 1 spots are reoccurring – photons, X-ray and gamma massive particles made in the first “step”, also are gathering and then merging into the large gravity deposits. Therefore, we after a certain period have a very large number of Black holes in the young Universe which totally drain it from almost all remaining qravitons and dissolved “light”-particles.

Primarily, local Aether 1 areas, reoccurring from all the newly created Black holes, are dissolving most of the photon- family derivative particles, which now are swept into the Black holes. -When some of the WIMPs with diminutive masses eludes the fate of being “eaten, probably due to their assembling into vast clouds with a faint own intrinsic “counter” gravity. -Resulting in different strengths of SEMF remaining in Universe. After that, the vast amounts of Black holes are beginning to jet electrons and emit protons. I.e. the Black holes are an original source for the massive, and non-massive, elementary particles and for their sheer existence. -Then comes the merging of these emitted particles creating vast interstellar clouds of hydrogen. And finally, the Universe is starting its stars and planets era. -Universe goes from the dark phase into its new bright and luminous epoch, with a simultaneously stronger and stronger EMF establishment. -The stars and planets creation and life cycles continue to produce particles, and the rest of our elements. And the dying and collapsing stars are also contributing to different, more or less, spectacular events in our Universe.

Although there is a technical issue to be taken in consideration, just after some of the first Black holes are established; and before cosmos enters its luminous phase in a more significant manner. The universal amounts of hydrogen gas assembled very much need a fixed gravitational threshold strength for the stars’ creation process to both start and continue in a physically adequate manner. And between these two stages the gravitational constant G, which is the threshold strength needed, is exposed for some type of a calibration process till G stabilizes at the value required for the assembled hydrogen gas to start building stars. It’s like a synchronous “sudden fabricing” of vast amounts of hydrogen very much is needed before G enters proper fixed value. This needs to explain a bit of a mysterious situation for the gathering of so much of vast amounts of hydrogen. -Before the massless photons and UV light from the newborn stars locally and partly is dismantling both hydrogen atoms and its gas version. So, a proper and a fixed value of G is essential for stars and galaxies life cycle to begin and maintain in a cosmological true manner.

If just trying to recapitulate the order of the supposed most early QEB cosmological evolution. We start with the composites of gravitational, u/g < 1, and tensional, u/g > 1, energies, which through some stages are gathered to massive photon derivatives and WIMPs, and then later entering the massive photon-quanta-BHs stance. If not – the initial energy composites was formed into massive particles – energy would follow its standard behavior to spread out in the infinite void instead. This, massive derivatives, formation is not only likely, but also most needed to occur for any chance at all to further cosmological evolution. This assembling, as mentioned, is driven by a gravitational entity combined with a tensional entity. -When these are the main forces in present Universe, such cosmological start entities are the only alternatives that suit the build of original composite energies. Additionally, to make this type of physics possible we may add some type of “gluon” entity when the gravity and tension entities are hard to unite. I.e. the “/” division function is achieved because of the “gluon” “additive”. The energy composites thereafter have higher chance gathering to particles like massive photon derivatives and WIMPs. We now are in the stage before these massive particles further are assembled to gravity wells like BHs and SMBHs. Observe that we have to distinguish the energies of gravity and tension, and each of these energies formerly built from microcosm gravity and tension entities glued together by some “gluon” entity. -I.e. note the cosmic evolutionary hierarchy between gravity and tension entities and the evolved energy composites. The massive photon derivatives and the WIMPs are thereafter built from the merging of both energy composites, driven by the general attracting tendency. Finally, further gathering to Black holes and Super Massive Black holes continues, and all these stages are driven by the theorized initial gravity entity.

And, if a bit more thorough reviewing the “sudden fabricing” metaphor and propose reason for the large-scale hydrogen build to occur. This, when any random, time spread non-synchronous, hydrogen build; probably would dismantle considerable amounts of the total available hydrogen atoms and gas due to the frequent UV photon emission from the continuous creation processes of all universal stars established. This is theorized to be a pertinent obstacle for a QEB based cosmological evolutionary sequence. All cosmic observations indicate stars and galaxies “born” randomly timed from about 12 billion years ago till present age. When, an astonishingly high rate of the supermassive Black holes, SMBHs, seem to have been established almost “simultaneously” about 13-12 billion years ago. These circumstances in a fairly acceptable manner may converge into the idea that these SMBHs must have almost “simultaneously” fabricated all universal available hydrogen – before – randomly timed gravitational collapses thereafter initiated. And an essential factor involved should contain that the gravitational constant increased, from a low value, and was fixed at its present value in conjunction with the start of the first and the thereafter further continuous new galaxy formations. -With the urgent condition of that all universal hydrogen already was at hand, at about a little more than 12 billion years ago.

The technical idea is that the first SMBHs were created, through that almost all the universal massive photon derivatives including parts of universal WIMPs, were assembling into these enormous gravity deposits, maybe via smaller BHs. The early condition, before the derivatives and parts of the WIMPs were collected into SMBHs, is a significantly high value of G, which is the most likely initial interstellar situation. While the gravitational derivatives are assembling the value of G is continually decreased as these particles vanish from space. This indicates an intricate process between the SMBHs, the ongoing collection of massive derivatives, and G. Theoretically the reversed behavior from all these SMBHs is at hand when G reaches a lower and lower value until some version of Hawking radiation begins. A tipping point is manifested as G continuously decreases from a high to a low value, with the free gravitational derivatives fetched from space and assembled into gravity wells. Although, for to sustain with a pertinent QEB behavior some version of the Hawking radiation, combined with most intense activities from all the accretion disks established, can be at hand from all the now established SMBHs; emitting massless photons and neutrinos, combined with jetting large amounts of both protons and electrons for example. The following merge of the protons and electrons to vast amounts of universal free clouds of hydrogen gas is most crucial for an accurate continuation of the QEB idea. Which is not fully in line with the theoretical aspects of the Hawking radiation that states considerably minor amounts of particle components to be emitted. This when all the accretion disks, with their magnetic fields, of all the SMBHs are responsible for more or less intense jets. -Especially from the interstellar condition with proposed high-density plasma (the interstellar situation of massive derivatives), which would support the idea of vast amounts of jets of protons and electrons. We have reached a point of a QEB stall if not “forcing” the Hawking radiation’s emitting protocol and especially the SMBHs’ jetting behavior. The total situation of this phase of the cosmological evolution may resemble of an interstellar factory, converting huge amounts of massive derivatives to protons and electrons, hence hydrogen; via all the SMBHs and their accretion disks.

We now have several parameters to consider in this factory phase when huge amounts of massive particle derivatives vanish from space and continuously are replaced with protons and electrons. Also amounts of massless photons and neutrinos and other novel elementary particles are now produced via Hawking radiation. One key parameter of importance to note is how the gravitational constant establishes its present strength and how it stays on this specific fixed value for to make all forthcoming gravitational collapses possible. How this occurs is probably even more complex with considerations of the gathering of more and more interstellar free protons, electrons, massless photons, neutrinos, hydrogen atoms and gas. The idea at this point of the interstellar condition is that G now has reached a low value; and, when moving towards its higher present value we have to very formally scrutinize the resulting space which is at hand. -At, and from the interaction of, these particles’ and other interstellar components’ transforming condition. The gravitational constant is for the writing moment not known how it’s configured in a deeper physics aspect. Although, the mystics of the in a very early cosmological timescale fixed value of G remains. So, I can merely, being an interested layman in astrophysics, leave G as it has become at this stage in my story and review. And guess that this general technical description, of the massive amounts of hydrogen build, could be a manner through which the gravitational constant nowadays is showing up; at its present fixed, or on a vast cosmological scale theoretically slightly varying, value. And observe that the emitting effects described by the accepted theory of the Hawking radiation starts a bit later in a cosmological evolutionary time scale, than this technical analysis, which leaves a chance for radiation and jetting alternatives.

This chance may definitively be broken if relying on observations of most early cosmos, and adjacent theoretical modeling. These observations tend to sketch a scenario where traces of so-called massive Population III stars indicate the first universal larger objects on “stage” at about 100-200 million years after the cosmological beginning. Followed by that these massive hydrogen-helium stars, when rapidly consuming this light “fuel”, were collapsing into BHs alternatively SMBHs introduced at about 700 million years post BB. Such theoretical models can almost only be built on some type of Big Bang scenario that, in its initial stages, did produce all protons and electrons which at about 380,000 years from BB formed to hydrogen. -Which in essence enables the earliest direct observation of Universe in the CMB radiation. This “first” observation is, among other related findings, the main puzzle piece which is used for further shaping of the cosmological progress. -The BB framework deeply relies on such data and reasonable modeling. I.e. BB‘s timeline argues for hydrogen first, then stars and thereafter SMBHs. QEB advocates for mounting of energy composites to massive photon derivatives (establishing a possible high-density plasma condition), then maybe gathered to BHs and further, merging to SMBHs which thereafter jet protons and electrons; creating hydrogen which then build galaxies. We, although, have to note the interstellar independence function of any Hawking radiation setup. (Ignoring variations in the interstellar particle and field condition.) -Combined with the coexistence of much denser jets of protons and electrons when a possible interstellar mix of high-density plasma is at hand at the QEB alternative. Though, any reassessment does not necessarily block the main search for the graviton and maybe some type of cosmological key or “cornerstone” or makes it unsuccessful. I have nevertheless probably touched a lot of intriguing physics and cosmological considerations. Therefore, I will continue this story and review, “sniffing” in the fascinating “atmosphere” of finding possible and logical universal conditions, which nevertheless may have physics justification. Although, one main positive sign of the QEB idea is a reasonable way for placing almost all early SMBHs, each one of them, in the center of the majority of the first galaxies. When these have produced enough amounts of hydrogen masses which through gravitational collapse form to stars and galaxies.

AI view of t<0 condition

If just mentioning the sudden idea of combining the BB theory with the QEB formula one may notice that there’s in principle a possible way to describe the pre BB environment. -The physics before the Big Bang, t<0, BB<0 seconds or Pre-BB conditions. Normally time in physics starts, t=0, with that the Big Bang singularity, in an extremely short timed acceleration phase, is expanding its energy form. -Named inflaton, with the rapid expansion, inflation, phase. Which also explains the very smooth distribution of matter and energy in the present observed Universe. Also, the Horizon problem, how all parts of Universe “knows” that it has the same background temperature when being so far apart, is argued this way. After the inflation phase, Universe begins to convert the energy released primarily into particles like photons, electrons and protons, including radiation and dark matter. And at about 380,000 years after t=0 the electrons and protons merge to hydrogen, due to universal expanding and cooling. This enables photons to elude their captured states from the electrons, which now are combined with the protons instead. This massive release of massless photons at 380,000 years post BB is observed as the CMB radiation, being the first direct evidence of cosmic birth. However, here, the earliest parts of the QEB evolution, the cosmic alternative presented, can in fact be used to hint at how the inflaton energy originally was assembled. -How the singularity did come to existence. In this case the singularity, t=0, has an acceptable basis of how it was established. When t<0 may have a plausible physics interpretation.

A passage here is that I’m very much inclined to give the QEB formula this function, being a t<0 declaration, in the cosmological history writing. Still, I have to emphasize that this preliminary new role of the QEB idea may not alter the overall review and description it is manifesting. How and which parts of this graviton search is altered and have to be refined is not given in advance, when the QEB formula in itself has some relevant astrophysics strength.

It’s also in its place to mention my combined search or interest of a generalized view of the graviton enigma versus some type of, maybe also a bit impossible, “cornerstone” to the mechanisms of our cosmos. I have in Subsection 15 tried to focus on constant alpha, α, being such a “cornerstone” and fundamental key to the mysterious and most puzzling, fine-tuned construction and behavior of our Universe. In a lot of functions scientists find and explore, they all see so many striking coincidences where physicists and astrophysicists notice cosmos to look like it was made by some deliberate cognition. Just a tiny adjustment of the gravitational constant for instance has so many overturning consequences of how Universe would be configured, and probably should be impossible to sustain life at all. For alpha a slight increase or decrease in the fine-structure constant may lead to stars burning out more quickly, but through different mechanisms, including, altering on many other electromagnetic interactions. So, in a more or less qualified guess or postulate, I have focused on α being a possible such candidate. In essence and a generalized view, one may state that: Alpha can be seen as a fundamental energy interaction constant in the void of cosmos. In this sight maybe the starting energy composite forms of cosmos with the proposed, “gravitational” u/g < 1, and “electromagnetic” u/g > 1, energy versions; perhaps can be the fundamental and elementary composites which furthermore through several stages are developed to the most universal overwhelming frequent particles both in amount and in energy content. I’m here referring to the massless photon and the electron, and maybe also, for the moment, the theorized graviton. Widely, I can state that one has to unite the gravitational constant G with α to define central parts of the unification of GR and QM, this from first principles.

These are the main reasons why novel Universe is free from almost all qravitons of different strength. And holding the total EMF inclusive the SEMF environment consisting of different types of electromagnetic field deduced from the QEB universal wavefunction. Probably the most diminutive qravitons also still are present in Universe and being an answer or hint how Einstein’s theory of spacetime is manifesting gravity. What we must notice here is that the qravitons with major strengths together with the photon derivative variants are the primary reason for all the Black holes holding their enormous gravitational force. Providing the emitted electrons and protons with their intrinsic mass in some Black hole internal mechanism.

And the only universal free remaining gravitational composites are the most diminutive forms of qravitons. -There is a chance for this diminutive gravitational unit, like the real photon, to be regarded as massless due to its existence in the universal surroundings of SEMF. If these very faint qravitons also can be defined as a tensor boson – it can be equaled to the most awaited and searched graviton. -Some proof of this is the known fact that gravity is generally an extremely weak force. You can jump the surface of earth easily at least almost a feet high. Though one objection of these qravitons being the sought graviton is the situation of the gravitational composite maybe not is quantified. -Not holding the QM signum of defined grades. Still, exactly how the remaining drained spatial varying SEMF strengths in combination with the corresponding varying remaining diminutive gravitational unit effectively acts is hard for me to estimate.

Subsection 22

One striking physical condition when writing this epilogue is the extreme vast amount of energy that finally, after eons of time (time, which theoretically doesn’t exist in this gathering), is assembled in our pre Universe. -Both gravitational and electromagnetic energy are gathering at about the same amounts, thus maybe not at a similar pace. Exactly how the both entities mix and help each other to assemble into a more and more astringent volume that shrinks and finally reaches the size of our Universe is a bit difficult to estimate. Some plausible reason, among others, for these both extremely faint opposite charged entities to gather or assemble from an infinite pre-interstellar spatial condition is the plasma behavior of a quasineutral composition. That’s to say generally plasma has a strong tendency to become electrically neutral in its finalizing volume.

The QEB formula is, in its elementary and infinite parts, giving probability for both symmetry and of extreme amounts, of the both entities described. Also the simple manner of arranging the specified gravitational and electromagnetic energies is enhancing the probability of their nature to come to existence. We know that gravity and electromagnetism exists, but not how they originated into our physics.

Compared to the Big Bang theory of our Universe’s creation the QEB formula is based on intuition and also is excluding the BB‘s very complicated and partly unnatural premises. One strong valid observation that BB has occurred is the CMB, the Cosmic microwave background, reality. Maybe the in all directions the same measured faint radiation can be explained with physics taking place at the rim of our Universe (see Quotes page 8 – Fermions).

Though a more plausible cause for the CMB radiation is the function of heat entropy, or simply spoken the “reversed refrigerator” behavior: A vast volume with energy/ matter/ plasma contracting into a smaller volume. In this manner the QEB collects the infinite space’s almost 0 Kelvin environment to our Universe’s volume and establishes the about 2.7 Kelvin detected cosmic blackbody microwave temperature. -When no matter yet exists in this pre interstellar gathering of energy it may explain the very isotropic, smooth, signature of the CMB detection. And this smoothness is not in total line with the BB‘s energetic evolution. Sort of a way, if the theorized gathering of energy has relevance, further analysis of the CMB radiation could hint more precisely on internal structures of the presumed pre interstellar energy.

To establish BB for the universal birth is to my point of view both to build on mysticism and on vague premises and extreme mathematics. The QEB formula is on the other hand built on plausible normal statistical occurrence and on the vast function of the infinite space. Though a lot of physicists are not yet familiar with such physics, it’s a reality to take in consideration.

Einstein’s manner of explaining gravity must be revalued or refined though it remains the same in the calculus of it. Nothing has changed in the way we physically experience it. The diminutive forms of the remaining qravitons‘ coexistence or merging with the universal electromagnetic reality only shows an explanation of Einstein’s gravity concept. It doesn’t change it. Here one must mention that the enormous amounts of theorized faint qravitons filling the entire Universe really is possible with the origin of infinity. -It all is just plain statistics. And when speculating how the giant Black holes, each at the center of each galaxy. Sprung from the QEB formula. Have created the total amount of stars any galaxy is made of. One must surrender for the uttermost giant supply of energies infinity holds.

If, in conclusion, trying to estimate the Big Bang, which being the most believed and scientifically indicated universal evolutionary theory, versus the Quantum Energy Balance idea’s relevance in modern physics one can mention the Standard Model and its primary TOE candidates, the GUTs, the Grand Unification Theories. (One can strongly link the QFT, SM and the GUTs with the Big Bang’s assumed universal origin.)

-Proton decay is a crucial marker for Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) and physics research have encountered a long period of about 40-50 years with no whatsoever detection of proton decay. -When, as said, that GUTs are deeply connected to the Standard Model; the several decades of non-observation of proton decay and the parallel cosmological constant problem, linked to the Standard Model, are central challenges that have not outright disproven the GUTs or the Standard Model but, have highlighted significant gaps in these theories. This reasoning can in some manner strengthen the idea of the QEB formula being a possible candidate, instead for the Big Bang, to our universal evolution.

When having studied and tried to comprehend parts of modern physics for over 20 years’ time and focused on the energy concept and the graviton enigma. -I’ve stumbled on the general aspect of “energy” in the physics QM trade. Where energy here utterly can be seen for manifestations of the Uncertainty Principle (momentum-position), and its variant (energy-time), regarding all QM entities possible. This should be one central “layer” on which my formulas and postulates are seen against. -Furthermore, is showing that physics in practice is measurement combined with the testing and confirmation of ideas.

Energy may then play a key role in unifying GR and QM, particularly through concepts like gravitons, vacuum energy, and quantum fields. Unification requires more than energy; it needs a framework, like the QEB formula representing a smooth universal evolution, which can reconcile the continuous nature of spacetime in GR with the quantized nature of energy in QM. Energy and variants of energy provide a conceptual pathway, where this preliminary solution involves deeper ideas about the nature of the spacetime fabric – where space and time separately partly is revealed as measurement references – and cosmos evoking and holding energies, forces, and QM particles.

That my search for the graviton since early 2000 should end with the non-graviton experience is not that astonishing. When its extreme microcosm dimensions elude any detection. At least in the near future.


Updated 2024-11-15

to Notes page 3