Notes page 3 – Theory of Gravity

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The here presented concept of “space-time” has not to be understood or be mixed up with Einstein’s curved “spacetime” gravity explanation. The not in, or in, “space-time” expression at this page refers to a pre Universal “epoch” or physical state where the photon family and related entities convert between their splitted energy state and their “massive” or “particle” existing state. I.e. when the photon, for example, being dissolved to quanta and thereafter alters to the “massive” photon particle it comes to exist in “space-time”. -And if staying in the quanta state it only exists as energy not in “space-time”.

(*2) There are physical differences between the writings of “semf” (lowercase letters), and “SEMF” (uppercase letters). The used semf expression here is responsible for the creation of limited EMF (green marked) entities (photons, X-ray photons and gamma-ray photons). Where the SEMF expression describes the tension- energies which are excluded in the forming of the bound EMF entities. The excluded tension- energies are on both “sides” of the semf/ EMF energies/ entities. I.e quasi- SEMF describes the faint – but rich in amounts – excluded versions of the bound- EMF building energies. And SEMF (without the quasi- prefix) is an expression of the most potent – although sparse in amounts – energy which is not included in the creation of the bound EMF entities. So, generally the semf energies are all involved in the limited EMF particles creation. One can give the metaphor of an energy- Band Pass Filter where semf are included, and the quasi- SEMF and SEMF are excluded, in the forming of particle- EMF.

Example of a Band Pass Filter excluding both side energies

If relating to the Band Pass Filter image here given the full EMF range normally consists, from the lowest frequencies, of radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, x-ray and finally of gamma-ray waves representing the highest of the total EMF frequency spectrum. Though we are in this page reasoning of the limited EMF band of only the photon family, expressed many times here. One can therefore roughly show that the radio waves and the microwaves, with the lower frequencies, maybe are transferred by the adjacent SEMF energies (by low-energy photons) on the right side of the specific photon family EMF– Band Pass Filter function. Where the quasi- SEMF on the left side of the filter probably represents dark energy involved with the cosmological constant, Ʌ.

(*3) The free floating electrically charged electrons and protons which are emitted from the Black holes are for the first time contributing to the establishment of cold plasma in Universe. Together with all the, this far, from the QEB formula evoked entities such as, the cosmological constant, Ʌ (dark matter and dark energy), EMF (electromagnetic field, the photon family, photons, X-ray photons and gamma-ray photons) and WIMPs. Exactly how this early Universal “soup” is converted to vast clouds of cold hydrogen gas, only this “metamorphose”, needs physics experts in these special science fields. For example, how the electric quasineutrality, among other plasma behavior, is enhancing the final merging of the two oppositely charged particles. Probably the photon family or parts of these are in a true rest mass condition and also are involved in the hydrogen creation. And observe that this early Universe before the stars and galaxy era is pitch dark. No stars are shining and no galaxies are yet formed. This is the dark Universe epoch.

(*4) The upper line graph shows the general functions, y = f(x), of gravity, 1/x^2 (blue lines), and of tension, 1/x (orange lines), against any general distance, x. The specific values are randomly chosen with each three different amounts.
The specific base gravity entity is written: n(mγ) [ u/g < 1 ]
And the base tension entity writes: n(h) [ u/g > 1 ]

Equilibrium spots depending on various energy values

Normal distribution – Probability function

Both base entities follow the statistical normal distribution frequency curve with each entity covering one half side of the lower distribution graph. The upper line graph is merely a reminder and a “picture” of how the base entities may merge into seemingly massless “particles”.
Here is some further analysis of how this occurs: The idea is that some type of equilibrium is achieved between gravity and tension at the merging of the base entities since they behave differently in a length scale. Gravity is here supposed to alter strength by the inverse distance in quadrat, and tension is thought to alter strength by the plain inverse distance. The overall concept of both base entities probably is in need of that both – generic – scales, ~ (G·m1·m2)/x^2 for gravity/force and ~ (k·|q1·q2|)/x for tension/energy, are intersecting and adapted for both entities, anywhere near the Planck length (1.6 x 10^-35 meters), within the interval of 10^1 (e.g. within 10^-44 to 10^-45, or 10^-27 to 10^-28). This is a rough estimation from the upper line graph here and the generic requirement of stability and interaction from the two entities given. Which creates some type of equilibrium and automatic bonding at the merge of both base entities. Which, in turn, is supposed or can be suspected to occur with the photon and its other family variants. One can further indicate these linear and quadratic behavior with the basic equations of electromagnetism, such as Maxwell’s equations, involving linear relationships between the electric and magnetic fields and their sources (charges and currents). And quadratic stance terms may arise in certain contexts, such as in the energy density of electromagnetic fields. For example, the energy stored in a capacitor or an inductor involves quadratic terms related to the square of electric or magnetic field strengths. Here the contracting direction of gravity may resemble this capacitive or inductive quadratic length dependency.
The general idea or theory is that these both specific base entities are gathered from the infinite pre interstellar space and become more and more astringent. The timeframe for this assembling is without comparison with any other possible physics event. It’s a gigantic amount. The age of the oldest universal object is a fraction of a nanosecond in comparison with this gathering. If truly speculating advanced and freely one can guess that the gigantic timeframe has a major impact on the proposed base entities and that they are going through several processes and reconfigurations. Where the most stable and physics/ nature “supporting” configuration will “survive” this “impossible” timeframe.
At some specific phase in this assembly both base entities gathering may show cold plasma resembling behavior. For in a later phase they continue to transform, to particles resembling light particles such as photons, X-ray photons and gamma-ray photons, into a true rest mass condition. These theorized primary particles may be rather unlike, or also more resembling these mentioned photon family particles. -Created by the gravitational and theorized astringent capacity both base entities are equipped with.
Exactly how these both entities coexist, gather, transform to cold plasma and finally merge into particles is not as complicated as the Big Bang theory, when built on reversed engineering. Though this base- entities gathering theory is an alternate BB version of our Universe’s evolution. And this alternate BB theory has its own formula, the QEB, Quantum Energy Balance, statement.
