Original ToG.se

Comments on Theory of Gravity

This section is an updated version of the original ToG.se created at about year 2005. The theory presented was not fully finished then. Now being rather much reading. -It reasons of a once existing Aether which has transformed into the present non-detectable- Aether originated Universe. One can here notice resemblance with a lot of modern quantum gravity theories, including string theories, though in a basic style. The mathematics and physics presented in this theory is generally of an elementary level, though with some fundamental elements of hard mathematics.

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The base- entities gathering theory is an alternate Big Bang version of our Universe’s evolution. And this alternate BB theory has its own formula, the QEB, Quantum Energy Balance, statement. The general idea or theory is that its both specific base entities are gathered from the infinite pre-interstellar space and becomes more and more astringent. To some extent this matter/ energy/ plasma gathering may be an alternative explanation of the CMB black body radiation.

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