Quotes page 4 – General Relativity

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Concerning General Relativity:

When trying to examine, in layman’s broader spectrum, Einstein’s thoughts when adding General Relativity, GR, at 1915, into his earlier SR theories, we can take deal of his epoch physic discussions. Or attempt to examine the specific GR papers, or selected parts, in it self.

Probably we achieve both when reviewing General Relativity.

By the large, GR tries to unify Newton physics with Einstein’s own Special Relativity. Einstein contributes by adding time to the three dimensional space into the commonly called space-time unit, holding four dimensions. Also the idea of gravity not being a natural force but an effect of how energy and matter are distributed in space. The Newton form of gravity has outcome only locally. But as you incorporate more space General Relativity determines gravity as – behaviour – of energy, matter – and space.

Einstein’s view of gravity is similar to Newton type, if you only focus on matter or energy that determines gravity. Einstein obviously wanted, very much, to add time into the three standard space dimensions. For a layman this resembles of any engineer working with polar or rectangular elements. It’s the same, only different ways of expressing vectors. But Einstein would surely oppose this last conclusion mainly since he did not want to see gravitation itself from a vector point. – More a product, effect or result of matter moving in space – through different zones with different space-time curvatures. Space is only straight locally. Extend space and it curves, due to casually deposited matter and energy, interacting, relatively moving or not, up till the borders of universe. What made Einstein think in this manner? The answer lies in the correspondences and discussions with his fellow physicists. There are tons of books world wide examining his conclusion and stand in this.

Einstein creates sets of equations and formulas in GR that are independent of vector mathematics and that are used in his space-time theories. GR is considered as a geometric theory about gravitation whit mathematical possibilities for to calculate also outside the three standard axes. General Relativity’s predictions have been confirmed in all observations and experiments up to date. Although General Relativity is not the only relativistic theory of gravity, it is the simplest theory that is consistent with experimental data.

Einstein finally in his GR concluded that gravitation not exists as a force in it self but is an effect of the curved space-time. This is a rather strange conclusion – but his idea came from his own equations – and is proved experimentally and also is confirmed in every observation.

The logic for this was partly made from his famous elevator metaphor of that you cannot conclude if it is acceleration or gravitation that pushes you to the floor, if the elevator is without reference frames – interpret in vast space. Einstein determined thus to look at gravitation exclusively as an effect of space-time. The reason was, simply explained, that it was impossible, from his metaphor, to differ acceleration from gravitation. So, Einstein rejected gravitation as a force and created gravitation as result of space.

Einstein is with the GR and SR theories seen as a genius through the equations these holds. Because, up to today, these are the simplest theories in which we can orient us in physics, concerning space. As mentioned in the SR section here before, there are, however, still, a gap in GR and SR, and, physics of today regarding quantum theory and quantum mechanics. And, it’s here where I am involved into the search for a sustainable theory that unifies Einstein with quantum mechanics and quantum theory.

The search has goals like Stephen Hawking’s, – continuation from earlier ideas – quest for the Grand Unified Theory, GUT. Which, strictly physically attempts to “unify” the 4 forces of radiation from radioactive decay, forces holding the proton together or the same force holding the atom together. With the electromagnetic force that the electron or the proton represents and finally with gravitation, which in GUT is seen as a vector force. So, if GUT is achieved – Einstein was wrong in the origin of gravitation. Thus his formulas all evidently gives the right values wherever or whenever they are set for trial.

And, we also have ToE, Theory of Everything, that has the implication of to give answer of all observations in astrophysics. All answers, of matter and energy – relation and creation. As well as the constitution of universe, its development, and future. Also issues concerning time and space as concepts are involved in ToE.

Hopefully, you could wish me good luck.


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